5 - •Happy Anniversary•

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Today I woke up with a grin on my face.

It's official. We've been married for five years.

"You look happy." Harry chuckled, walking out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist.

"I am."

"Why? What's so special about today?" He walked over to his closet. He frowned and bit down on his lip as he tried to decide what to wear for work today.

He failed to realise that my grin had fallen because of his question.

It's our anniversary you idiot.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing."

He forgot.

I watched as he moved around the room, getting dressed and grabbing all his things.

"I can't stay for breakfast today babe. I'm late." He rushed out of the room without even looking back.

Not even a goodbye kiss.

Did I do something wrong?

I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and called Ariana, my best friend. I need to vent.

"Happy anniversary bestie!" She screamed.

I couldn't even laugh at her excitement due to how sad and disappointed I was.

"He forgot."

"I'll be over in ten minutes."


"I want to beat his face in with a bat." I grumbled, shoving another spoon of chocolate ice-cream into my mouth.

My sadness had turned to anger.

I was also in desperate need for a bottle of whiskey, but had to settle for ice-cream since Ariana wouldn't let me have any liquor.

"That's why you should've listened to me on your wedding day." She sniggered, keeping her attention on the television.

I rolled my eyes and ignored her comment. Ariana doesn't like Harry because she claims that he stole me away from her.

"I just can't believe he forgot." I pouted.

And I am sad once again.

I had stopped crying an hour ago, but to be honest, the waterworks were most likely going to start again soon.

"Come on you big baby." She grabbed my now empty bowl of ice-cream and set it down on the coffee table.

"We're going to have fun whether you like it or not."


Hours had passed, but I didn't care.

Ariana and I went to the mall to, as she put it, shop my sadness away.

The shopping did make me feel better, considering I used Harry's credit card. We spent over three grand on clothes and random items we would never need.

We spent the next three hours at the movie theatres, watching The Bounce Back.

And by the time we were done, it was six pm.

Harry should be home by now.

"Come on girl. One last stop for the night."

"I can't Ari. Harry's probably home wondering where I am, not to mention I haven't made dinner."

"Fuck your man, buckle up. I promise it won't take long."

With a nod and an ok, Ariana pulled out of the theatre parking lot and drove off.

A couple of minutes later, she stopped the car in front of Le Beuf. A fancy restaurant downtown.

The same restaurant in which I met Harry for the first time. I still remember the first time I saw the devilishly handsome but clumsy green eyed man. Even after he had accidentally poured his drink all over my dress, I found it hard to be mad at him. The memory brought a small smile to my lips.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"Just go inside." She grinned.

I frowned but complied anyway.

When I walked into the restaurant, a man had asked for my name then led me further inside of the building.

It was a sight to behold.

There Harry stood, with a bouquet of my favorite white roses, a grin on his face.

"I thought you forgot."

"I love you too much to pull such a dick move."


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