Day 7

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1 week (morning) (216 children) (4 special)

The teacher had come back and wrote on the board ‘Talking lesson 2’. He asked a girl to read it. She, thankfully, did.

That morning also, WhiteCoat had come back with a syringe. She had tried to ask for a blanket, but only received a slap in the face. Oddly enough, the little girl was anxious to learn how to speak properly.

At the end of that day, simple sentences came to her easily. No one was shot.

***1 week (night) (216 children) (4 special)

“Can please have blanket?” The little girl asked as WhiteCoat came to check her wounds. He’d told her her dagger wound was almost healed. He had also smiled when she had asked that.

“Very good.” He had said and come back with a thin blanket.

“Leg hurts. I not walk on it please. Hurts.” She added in the hope that WhiteCoat would help. Coming back to her hole, her leg had hurt so badly she had fallen. The wound had started to bleed again.

“Prove yourself first.” He had said and the little girl had cried herself to sleep because of the pain.

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