Day 1

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***1 day (morning) (500-445 children)***

"Wake her up!" A large man grabbed the tiny girl's shoulders and shook her violently. Her eyes opened, and you could clearly see the shock and terror of facing such an ugly man. His face wrinkled up into an ugly smile, yellow teeth and bad breath were shown. The little girl whimpered and tried to curl up on herself, but the man's large hands stopped her from doing so. She started to cry and hid her face in her hands.

The poor child didn't know anything. She didn't know who she was, where she was or who this man was. To her she'd just woken up into a whole new life, even though her body portrayed her having already been alive for ten years.

A thin man with a white lab coat grabbed the little girl's chin as she was being held much higher than her actual height. He turned her little head left and right, causing her brown hair to sway back and forth. For the longest moment he stared into her eyes and she started to tremble as she tried to fight back the tears. She felt frightened and confused.

"She's good." He replied letting her chin go. He turned around and left through a wooden door. The large man grinned and breathed in the little girl's face.

"Good luck little girl," He grumbled. The little girl's eyes widened as she noticed the bars. On the other side of the room was a hole twice the size of a doorway blocked by bars. Outside she could only see sand and what could've been a stone wall far away. The man cradled her under his arm pit as he moved towards the bars. The little girl clung on to his hairy arm in case he might let her go. She was so high up she was sure she would die if she fell onto the sand.

He grabbed a rope that was on the wall and pulled it with a grunt. As the rope came down the bars went up. He carelessly threw her out and let the bars fall down. It made a thunk sound. As the girl got back up she heard more thunks happening all around her. She was in a large sandbox, surrounded by stone walls and hundreds of holes like the one she'd just been thrown out of.

She observed as hundreds of other children, her age, also dressed in white gowns, were thrown out. Various boys and girls, with different hair and different skins colors looked around in confusion. A few were on the ground crying like she had done earlier, others were clinging to the bars, the rest were like her, standing and observing.

She felt bad out here and she wanted to go back in, it felt safe in there. Out here it felt too open. The little girl hugged herself. She looked up to sky and shielded her eyes from the shiny sun. She looked back at the kids. Now what were they supposed to do?

There was one cage that hadn't been open yet, and as the little girl pondered what was happening it opened.

The bone crunching roar brought all the little eyes to it. A head came out first. A disgusting scaly animal with tiny red eyes and a pointed snout. It kept looking back and forth among the children, often opening its mouth to growl and show off sharp teeth. Next came a neck, on which a big metal chain was wrapped around. The creature came out fully its small sharp claws trying to find footing in the sand. Wings had once been joined with its front legs; however those wings had been torn to pieces. Holding the chain like a leash was a man in shiny armor. He led the creature with the thick chain completely out in the open. The dark green creature's tail twitched nervously as it continued its frantic glances. The bars shut behind them.

The little girl felt herself back up as fear enveloped her. She couldn't look away from its slimy mouth or the sharp eyes.


Children began to shake their heads. They didn't want to fight, but they certainly didn't want to fight the creature. They didn't know what to do. More children cried.

"AS YOU WISH." In a flash, so fast that no child was able to perceive it, the knight had used his feet to propel him several meters away in only a few seconds. The creature had had no trouble following. The knights destination had been a small whimpering child that had been desperately trying to fit through the bars. The creature hadn't spared one second, it grabbed the child with its jaws, its teeth sinking into the soft flesh. Terrifying silence installed into the air as the creature devoured the child in three bites.

The little girl began to shake and hope with all her might that she wasn't next. The knight approached a nearby child.

This dark skinned child hadn't moved an inch. He had been standing still, shoulders straight from the moment he came out. He hadn't shown a shred of emotion as the creature ate. He had only flinched. The knight pulled a dagger and placed it in the child's hand. The boy's eyes widened as he understood what was asked of him.

One child, on the other side, yelled. He didn't say any words he only yelled in jealousy, as if he wished for the dagger. This caused the man to then throw something in the child's direction. Everyone flinched, expecting a dagger to appear in the child's chest. Surprisingly enough, the child stayed alive. In the middle of the space lay around fifty daggers. You could almost hear the man smile.

He unclipped the chain from the creature's neck. There was a moment before it realized it was free. The knight crossed his arms and waited. The creature snarled and, with blood still dripping out of its mouth, leaped in the boy's direction.

The boy panicked and fell. It was that boy's luck as the creature had leapt too high and sailed past his head. It didn't stop however and ran for the next child.

The little girl didn't want to stay in the same spot waiting for it to come to her, so she ran in the opposite direction. However the other kids were running for the middle, where all the weapons were, and the little girl, for the life of her, couldn't understand why.

She heard a shrill scream, but kept running.

"IF YOU FIGHT EACH OTHER THE CREATURE WILL BE STOPPED." Came the knight's voice just as the little girl passed a boy with a knife. Understanding went through the boy's eyes as it looked at the creature. It only took a split second for him to spin around and try to attack the little girl.

She was saved by the creature as it leapt onto the boys back and ripped his head off. She screamed in horror as blood sprayed on her face. She stopped screaming when the body hit the ground. A big hand grabbed the creature and the little girl reached out for the fallen dagger.

The little girl screamed in pain as a dagger grazed her forearm. A demonic looking child held the dagger. Yearning to defend herself, she grabbed the others girls hair and pulled her towards her. The girl squealed and let go of the dagger. She fell beside the little girl and the little girl started to cry as she saw the blood trailing down her arm.

It hurt badly, and she couldn't take her eyes off it. The enemy child beside her tried to strangle her; the little girl slapped her face. It just so happened that the hand she had slapped with held a dagger that slashed across the other girl's cheek. The other child let go, screamed and held her bleeding cheek.

The little girl wanted to say she was sorry, that she hadn't meant to, but she didn't know how.

A familiar roar ruptured the sky and the little girl looked up. The knight had stabbed the creature to make it roar.

"YOU HAVE DONE WELL. THIS IS ALL FOR TODAY, RETURN TO YOUR STARTING POINT." The knight announced. Fifty-five children had died. Five had been killed by the creature; the rest had been killed by each other. The sand had been stained in red and that memory was forever implanted in the little girl's mind.

She reached to touch the one she had injured, in hope that she would understand. However she pulled away and ran off. The little girl didn't want to move. She didn't like this. She didn't like this at all. She smelled something foul. She tensed up as she realized the creature was beside her.

"No time to be lazying, it's still hungry." The knight said. The little girls frame trembled as she ran off.

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