Be a better boyfriend

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I have been through my closet twice and neither time did I find anything to wear. It's just a carnival! Why am I trying so hard.

Miles will be there, My subconscious reminds me.

Yes, Miles my straight friend with a girlfriend will be there.

Just as I will be there with my girlfriend. It isn't a date with Miles. I reach in my closet and grab a pair of jeans and a black candy skull shirt.

Simple, casual and it doesn't seem like a tried to hard. It doesn't matter what I wear, I will pale in comparison. Miles I'm sure will look like a Greek God even if he wears a trash bag.

"Do you need any money to buy your girlfriend anything?" I can hear the smile in my moms voice as I turn into the kitchen.

I shake my head. She must be so please that I am dating Lucy and I am guilty of feeding her that false hope.

"No thanks mom." I kiss her cheek before grabbing my keys off of the counter.

Lucy doesn't live particularly far away. I have been picking her up from school, so I know the way without my GPS.

I feel kind of bad. This whole thing started because I wanted to hide my secret and help Lucy. So far it has worked but I haven't been fair to her.

She is so good at playing her part. If I didn't know any better, I would be convinced that she was my girlfriend. It makes me wonder if she remembers that this is all for show.

I don't have much experience in the girlfriend department, but I need to be a better fake boyfriend. Would it be unethical if I pretend she is a boy?


I pull up to her house, grabbing my phone to text her that I am outside. I want to be a better boyfriend then I need to start.

I push my phone back into my pocket and get out to walk towards the front door.

I can hear the doorbell echo through the house. It's not one of those standard chimes, but a musical one, that would drive me crazy if I lived here.

A blur appears in the circular piece of glass on her front door. I prepare for Lucy or her mother, but instead I am met with a pair of hazel eyes.

For a moment, I am stunned looking at this stranger.

He has a strong jaw line and messy hair, like he just woke up. He is wearing nothing but low hanging sweats and I hate that I have to fight myself to not look at his bare torso.

Even without really glancing, I can see the definition of his lean muscle.

"Hey man" His head tilts back. The universal sign of what's up.

I have picked up Lucy everyday for the last week, how did I get the wrong house?

"I'm sorry, I must have the wrong house" I lean back a little so that I can see the numbers on the side of the house.

1651. This is Lucy's house.

"Brandon, Right?" He sticks his hand out for me and I tentatively grip it with my own.

His hand is warm and his grip is firm. He definitely works out, but I could tell that from his toned abdomen.

"Yeah, is Lucy home?"

"Yeah, come on in. I'm Levi, her brother." I pause in the entryway for a moment, behind him.

Did I know that Lucy had a brother? I try to rack my brain, but no where do I recall that information.

Even when my dad had invited them over for dinner, he wasn't present or spoken of. I had assumed Lucy was an only child.

"I didn't know she has a brother." I follow him into the living room.

The walls are a deep cream color and the furniture is a deep brown color. It's looks comfortable, not as pristine as I would have assumed.

"She didn't talk of me? I'm hurt" He places a hand on his tanned chest, faking hurt.

"Shut up, Levi" Lucy laughs walking into the living room.

She looks comfortable in her skinny jeans and a v-neck. She is wearing a little bit of makeup, making her brown eyes pop. Her lips a soft shade of red and I can't deny that she does look pretty.

I am trying to find the similarities between them. Maybe the same nose?

"You didn't tell your boyfriend about your older brother who will kick his ass if he mistreats you?" Levi wraps his arm around her shoulders and turn a glare on me.

Definitely the same nose and I can see now they have the same color brown hair.

I know I should feel intimidated by him, but I don't. I don't even feel uncomfortable under his gaze. I just wish that I could look to Lucy instead of Levi and his toned chest that is in my view.

"It's too soon for that serious of a conversation. Besides, Brandon is on the baseball team, I'm sure he could hold his own" Lucy teases, pulling Levi's attention back to her.

I take a deep breath, feeling like I wasn't able to breath before. That was a weird moment, but I shake my head and push it away.

"I'm a wide receiver on the University team. Doesn't mean anything where my sister is involved."His voice is serious and I don't argue. He has nothing to worry about from me though.

"I'll be a gentleman." it's one of the advantages of fake dating a gay guy.

There is absolutely no chance that he will try anything to get into your pants.

Levi kisses her head, before pulling her in and rubbing his knuckles on top of her head.

She squeals as she gets out of his grasp, fixing her hair and slapping his arm.

"have fun Luce. It was nice to meet you Brandon." Levi throws a wave over his shoulder as he makes his way out of the room.

I offer my elbow to Lucy, because I said I would be a gentleman and it's all part of being a better boyfriend.

"So, you have a brother?" I laugh as we walk to my car.

I hold the door open for her and she slides in. I run around to the driver side and start the car.

"That was part of why my dad accepted the job here. Levi goes to the University of Redmond. He got a football scholarship and my parents didn't get to go to any of his games last year." My head nods along as I drive through the streets to the carnival grounds.

Redmond is just half an hour drive from here. I have played their baseball teams a few times. They're alright, nothing great about them, but the University has the greatest sports team in the state.

"We aren't ashamed of him or anything if that's what you're thinking" she mumbles looking at me from the corner of her eyes.

"I wasn't thinking that" and that's the truth. I don't know why I didn't know about him, but I never thought it was because they were ashamed of him.

"It's just that when people hear about Levi and the football team it's question after question. and then they want tickets." her words make sense. Who wouldn't want to see Redmond play but it's just sad that people would use them for her brother.

I pull into a parking spot. The lights from the carnival illuminated as the sun begins to go down. I can hear the bells and laughter ringing through the air, clear signs of a good time. And somewhere in there, Miles is waiting.

"Let's not talk about your brother. Let's just have a good time." I hold my hand out to her and she links her fingers through mine, following my lead into the carnival grounds.

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