Dammit, Brandon

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"It's not you, Lucy, it's -" my hand slams down on the steering wheel as I drive. I can't say that to her, that's the worst cliche in the book!

"Thank you for everything -" I just can't seem to get the words to come out right.

It's not like I break up with people regularly. For all intensive purposes, this is my first break up. I just don't want to seem like the bad guy. Is that completely terrible?

I park in front of Lucy's house and stare at the perfectly manicured green lawn. It's the same house that I have seen every morning when I pick her up for school and yet right now, it has my nerves on edge.

Okay, Brandon, you can do this. It's not that hard, it happens all the time. Just tell her the truth... well a version of the truth. You guys can still be friends and it's not like it was a real relationship anyway.

I don't realize I got out of the car until my knuckles tap on the door three times. I stare at the flowers in my hand, only now realizing how stupid they were to buy.

Maybe I should ditch them?

The door opens and before I can glance up and change my mind, I push the flowers in front of me.

"I'm more of a potted plant guy, but thanks," Levi laughs that stupid laugh that does things to my stomach as my cheeks tint pink.

"Sorry, I thought you were Lucy." I really should have known Levi would answer the door though, it seems he's the only one who opens the door.

Don't check him out. Don't check him out.

Dammit, Brandon!

My eyes ignore my brain and do a (hopefully discreet) once over. It's not fair that he looks as good as he does without even trying. I mean it's like jeans were made to be specifically worn by him. They hang perfectly on his hips and aren't too tight or weird as they frame his legs perfectly. Even the black Guns'N'Roses shirt looks amazing across his chest.

He has to know exactly what he does to people as he gets dressed in the morning. Has to know that he will have women (and me) drolling after him.

"I know we look similar but last I checked, we have one pretty big difference." A butterfly tornado starts in my stomach as his laugh fills the space around us.

I have to hold my tongue from asking, how big a difference.

A heat rises to my checks and I rub the back of my head trying to think of something, anything to say. Shit, he's staring, say something Brandon!

"Is she home?" I squeak, internally cringing when I sound like some prepubescent teenager.

Levi's hazel eyes meet mine and it's like everything slowed down. I don't think about why I am here in the first place. I don't think about the butterflies still tickling me with their wings.

All I can think about is Levi and the way his lips are pulled up in the corners.

Levi and his cologne that swirls in the air and wraps itself around me pulling me in. I don't even know when I took a step closer, but it would be so easy to close the small distance between us. A new sensation running through my veins, almost demanding me to lean forward and see if Levi feels it too.

But the moment is broken when he turns away.

"Yeah, they're upstairs." he clears his throat and opens the door wider for me to pass.

"They're? as in they?" without meaning to, I suck in a deep breath of his cologne, committing the invigorating scent to memory.

It would probably be weird to ask him what he wears, but it could easily become my new favorite scent.

"Her and one of her friends, yeah." I follow him to the stairs, but he walks into the kitchen without another word.

"Oh, Brandon! How are you, honey?" Mrs. Jacobs waves from the counter, before moving her hands back to mix something together in a bowl.

"Fine thank you, ma'am. Just here to see Lucy." Levi tenses at my words, but quickly moves to help his mom.

"Go on up sweetie. Second on the left. They're just doing homework." I nod to her but stare at Levi's back.

I don't know what I'm waiting for or expecting to happen but after a moment of staring, I turn to the stairs.

My feet take the stairs slowly as my mind goes back to what I'm going to say to Lucy. There are many different ways this could play out.

She could be totally cool with it and laugh it off. Or she could slap me and damn me to Hell.

Either way, I can't lose my nerve. I'm already here and I already have the stupid flowers, so I'm going for it. Second on the left. The door is open slightly, so I push it the rest of the way only to freeze mid-step. My mind racing to connect all the pieces but there are so many and the picture just isn't making sense.


Miles on Lucy's bed.

Miles with his hand cupping her cheek.

Miles with his lips locked on hers, in a kiss that could rival any romantic movie.

I don't know when the flowers dropped from my hand. I don't know how many seconds passed before they broke away and saw me standing in the doorway.

Both their eyes widened in shock and Miles scooted away as if that would solve everything. As if I didn't already see what they were doing.

"Brandon, I-" my hand flies up to stop Lucy, my eyes focusing on Miles as he stares at the bedspread. His words from the other day rolling through my head.

"No other girl, huh?" Shame fills his features but it doesn't feel as good as I thought it would as I turn to leave.

I move faster than I thought possible, my feet thundering towards the stairs. I ignore the shouting from Lucy begging me to stop. Ignore the pain in my chest where the hope had been hiding, as I grab the wooden banister for support.

Miles?! I even told myself not to get my hopes up and I was fucking right! Why can't I listen to myself?! I should have known that Miles wasn't' talking about me. I should have never thought that stupid theory in the first place!

I was so foolish!

Lucy?! How did I miss that he was talking about Lucy? Of course, he told me there was no other girl. It's not like he could have said, 'yeah, actually Brandon, there is another girl and it's Lucy, you're technical girlfriend'.

"What's going on?" Mrs. Jacobs comes rushing out of the kitchen, Levi hot on her heels.

Both their eyes are wide as they seem me nearly trip in the last step in my rush. I don't want to look at Levi. Don't want to chance seeing in his eyes that he knew what I was about to walk into.

I don't know that I would be able to take that. Not from Levi.

"Bran-" Levi is cut off by another male voice.

"Brandon, man wait. It's not what you think." Oh, it's not what I think, Miles?

I didn't just seem him with his lips pressed to Lucy's?

"Luce," I can hear the warning in Levi's tone but I don't wait around to discuss what's happening. I don't need to hear the details or their version.

With a slam of the front door, I fumble my way into my jeep. Before I speed away, I see Levi standing at the door, watching me with unreadable eyes.

<3 <3 <3 <3

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