Guilt Trip

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There are so many things I would rather be doing right now, I have a list growing in my head.

Hit the gym
Hit the batting cages
Text Levi
Hang out with Levi
Kiss Levi

Literally, anything to do with Levi honestly. But no.

Instead, I'm stuck in the school library waiting for Alex to come to help me with math.

Ugh, Math. Thou art a heartless bitch.

I check the time on my phone, again, noting that he is now ten minutes late. With a roll of my eyes, I stare at the paper and continue to work on the problem. I will never understand why they felt the need to add letters to math in the first place.

Who did that? I want to know so I can go back in time and kick them. Math is hard enough with just numbers.

"Hey Brandon," Miles clears his throat as I turn to see him standing behind me, shuffling on his feet and adjusting his backpack, "Can I talk to you?"

He didn't call me 'B'. I don't know why this is what sticks out most to me but it does. It almost sounds weird to hear him say my name, almost foreign on his tongue.

It's been nearly a week since I found him and Lucy together and though I can't say I'm not happy with the chain of events, what happened still hurt.

I still felt something for Miles.

But now I have a secret of my own that I'm hiding and that can't put me on higher ground.

"I have to study," I say simply, turning to look back at my math sheet and suppressing a groan at how little progress I've made.

"Uh, yeah. I uh ran into Alex and told him you had to leave early and wouldn't be in tutoring today," my head snaps to Miles again who at least has the decency to look sheepish at his confession.

"Why would you do that?! I need to pass math to play!" my voice is a whisper-shout and even still the seventy-year-old librarian glances my way with a stern look. 

Miles glances over his shoulder, noting that only a few students turned their heads to look over. They probably didn't even hear me but rather have heard the rumor circulating around and are curious to see how this interaction will play out.

With one last glance at our small audience, Miles slips into an empty chair, his eyes landing on everything but me for a good solid minute.

"I know you need to pass and I'll help, I just wanted to talk for a minute first?" he pleads, keeping his voice in a hushed whisper so that no one else can over here.

I try to look at my worksheet and focus on the problem. I try to ignore the curiosity that is churning in my gut about what could be so important he would hijack my tutoring session.

I'm not dumb though. He is probably ready to apologize about what happened with Lucy.

It dawns on me then, that an apology from him, now, would be to appease his conscious and ease his guilt. It's got nothing to do with me or actually being sorry.

If it were, he wouldn't have waited this long to approach me.

A small amount of anger flares within me. I was quick to get over the fact that he and Lucy kissed, especially considering that I never had any romantic feelings for Lucy. I should have broken things off sooner as I had originally planned.

I kept making excuse after excuse as to why it wasn't a good time to though. I can't place the blame solely on the two of them. Granted, Lucy could have just as easily ended things with me

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