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Levi tries to say something but I can't hear him over the music. Still, the smile on his face is contagious and I'm smiling back like a maniac.

Someone bumps me from behind, but when I turn to look, Levi just cups my cheek and pulls my focus back to him.

Back to this moment. His message is clear. Stay with me, just us alone in a club.

The neon lights continue to blink and move, casting colors across his face making his hazel eyes shine. At first, I thought it was the strobe lights making Levi look more attractive, but staring at him now (as however many people dance around us) I realize that I was wrong.

It's Levi that makes everything around him more beautiful. The lights seem brighter, the music sounds better.

Even the smell of over one hundred sweaty bodies dancing in a club the size of my school cafeteria is better because Levi is here. And despite how many stares he may get from other men, He is here with me.

I can't believe I'm actually here. The idea in me ever stepping foot in a gay club was never even considered. So when Levi brought me here to IVY over a month ago I thought he had gone crazy.

"Levi this is a gay club!" I hissed through my teeth as I pulled him to a stop.

I ripped my hand from his and couldn't help but look over my shoulder at who was around. My eyes were wide when I looked at him. I searched for what he was thinking and hoping he could feel just how panicked I felt right now.

"I know, Brandon, trust me," his hand reached out and gently played with my fingers, "I found this club a few months ago, and we are nearly eighty miles from home. We can be free, together in the open."

His words made my heart pound in my chest. I can't argue with that logic and am left watching as he twines our fingers together and pulls me towards the entrance of the club.

Watching Levi now, dance with me without a care in the world, makes me glad that I'd followed him that day. I had been so close to just walking to the car and demanding he take me home.

But of course, Levi had to go and be right. Ivy has become more than just a club, it's become our place. Where we can be just Levi and Brandon with no expectations and no judgment. We've come here every weekend since and each visit is as exciting as the last.

The tempo to the song gets impossibly faster and our hips pick up the beat as Levi closes the small sliver of space that was between us. Oxygen seems to be scarce and the heat of the club caused sweat to bead on my forehead, but I wouldn't change one nanosecond of it.

The smile that had graced Levi's impossibly handsome face is gone and replaced with something....more.

I can't even think of how to describe the look of intensity he's staring at me with. Maybe I'm overexaggerating, but I swear my soul is set ablaze in that instance. It's more than just the look; it's his hands dancing along my waist and up my back in random patterns that match the beat of the music. His fingers digging into my skin above my shirt and dragging down lightly while he bites his bottom lip and I swear I can see the reflection of the fire in my soul in his eyes.

Everything about him, at this moment, draws me in. Maybe it's this song or the atmosphere or maybe it's that every time we come here, we are free to just be a couple, but I don't want to let him go.

The blue strobe light dances along his skin, his hazel eyes flashing down to my lips as he moves his head closer. His nose brushes against mine telling me to angle my head for a kiss and I'm all too happy to oblige. All to happy show this club that the guy with his arms wrapped around me, is mine.

My eyes drift closed just as our lips meet; as worlds collide and shatter around us.

I love you.

The words flood my mind and body in an instant, and I'm a goner. There is no denying them, no trying to push the truth away. Now that I've thought them, they scream at me what I should have realized a while ago.

I'm madly and undeniably in love with Levi.

I should be scared, I should pull away and panic, but I can't.

I can't because it's true. Levi and I may only be going on over a month of being together, but nothing has ever felt like this.

One of his hands moves to cup my cheek and the other stays firm on my waist. He's not allowing anything to break our bodies apart and I can't help but agree.

We break apart as the song changes and I'm panting for air, especially after the smile he gives me makes me weak in the knees.

I want to say it, more than anything I've ever wanted to say before. But what will it mean?

Is it too soon? It has to be too soon and what if Levi isn't there yet? What if he thinks I'm just some naive teenager that's infatuated with him.

Levi's lips are moving but I have no idea what he's saying, but it doesn't take a scientist to realize he wants me to follow him.

He weaves us carefully through the crowd until we are at nearing the exit. The music isn't as loud here, but there is a ringing in my ears that I worry might never go away.

"Wait, we're leaving?" I still had to practically shout over the music but at least I knew he could hear me.

His hand tightens in mine and when he pulls me through the door, the cool night air is crisp. Levi gulps in a lungful of night air before turning on me like a predator on his prey.

I don't have time to think before his lips are on my mine; his hands are pulling me tighter to him. Nothing separates us.

"I think I have to get you home before your curfew," He says, his dimple on full display, "I really like you, Brandon."

I love you.

"I really like you too, Levi." His fingers intertwine with mine and he stares at me for a moment before pulling me to his car.

We ride in comfortable silence for a few minutes before I turn to look at him. Our hands rest in the center divider between us and a small smile creeps onto my face.

"Come to my game on Friday," I blurt out before I can think too hard on it.

"Wait, you're gonna play?" he looks genuinely excited for me like this was the best news he's heard all night.

I just nod glad that all those hours with Alec finally paid off and I was cleared to play. I was waiting for the right moment to tell Levi, but this is just as good.

"That's awesome, babe," the nickname sends butterflies to my stomach, "of course I'll be there to support you. Should I paint my face too?" he's teasing, I know, but the idea of him in full North Vale high colors.

"I can't wait."

<3 <3 <3 <3

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