With all my love

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Hello, my beautiful readers

Firstly, from the bottom of my heart, Thank you for reading my story. Without you, I would really just be a crazy girl who just talks to herself and her made-up worlds. I really don't think I could ever quite vocalize how much you all actually mean to me.

That being said, Please, Please don't be mad at me.

After much debate, I've decided to end this story here.

I know! I Know! but hear me out - I had fought with myself about an epilogue to really tie the story together but then I got to thinking that maybe an epilogue isn't a good idea. It makes it so final and really at this point, Brandon and Levi still have a journey ahead of them - A rather long one at that - I mean Brandon is still in High school technically, so the road could take them to many possible futures. 

With this choice, however, I am keeping it open to a sequel. I will be honest and say that right now, I have a very vague idea for one, but it's rough and not going to be my main focus. I will be focusing on my wolves again and starting a new story called "The Luna"  

I truly hope you won't be disappointed in my choice and I hope even more that you have enjoyed Brandon's journey.

Thank you again for everything - every comment, every piece of encouragement along the way and for being patient with me.

I look forward to what's to come and hope that you will continue to stick by my side through all the new adventures I want to take you on.

With all my love,
💙❤️Lillie 💙❤️

P.s - I hope you are all safe and healthy. I know this virus stuff is crazy but it will get better and we will overcome it eventually. Be strong. Be brave and don't forget that you are not alone 💙

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