Math sucks

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"Mister Schafer, a moment." I had tried to slip out of math as quick as possible not wanting to be around numbers any longer.

However, miss Garcia is used to kids trying to run and has adapted to be quicker.

We watch all the other students leave, my mind running over things I could have possibly done to get in trouble. I turned in my homework from this weekend. I haven't ditched class since the last time and after that event, I don't think I want to ever again.

It was a day from hell, all because Gunner wanted to hit the music store in the mall where Jessa was signing her CD's. He was convinced that they were soul mates and one look at him and she would fall in love.

We ended up in mall jail because Gunner got so excited for her to arrive, he forgot he had a bunch of CD's in his hands when he ran out of the store to see her.

We had good Fro-yo after it was straightened out though.

The last student finally leaves, and miss Garcia's hazel eyes snap to me. I visibly gulp as she sits behind her desk, folding her hands in front of her.

"Brandon," she sighs, grabbing some papers from her desk, "I'm worried about you." 

Worried about me? Why would she be worried about me? Nothing has changed from last week or the week before. Well unless you count my fake girlfriend beard. But how would that impact me in math?

"It seems you're doing the work, but not understanding the material." She flips over some papers, revealing tests with my name on them.

Red marks scatter across the pages, with low scores circled in bold lines. I mentally groan.

I should have known I was doing it wrong, it seemed to easy! The day math makes sense is a cold day in hell!

"I've been doing the homework," I trail off, staring at my most recent test score of fifty five percent.

Really, Brandon. That's the best you can come up with?

It was lame and even I heard the pathetic twinge my voice carried.

Miss Garcia sighs heavily, organizing the papers into a neat file.

"I have to report this to coach Roman. To play baseball, you need a C average. These scores drop you down to a D." my heart sinks to my stomach, along with my jaw.

It's senior year! These upcoming games could make or break a scholarship, she can't stop me from playing! Baseball is my thing!

The thing whose importance can't even compare to anything else. The one thing that keeps me sane when everything else is determined to drive me crazy!

I can't let something like Algebra  stand in my way of that!

"No! I'll take a make-up exam! I'll do extra credit! Please!" I am not above begging and I am highly considering getting on my knees to ask for mercy.

It would look weird to anyone who walked by though, but I wouldn't even care. Baseball is too important.

"Calm down, Brandon. I know what this season means to you, which is why I have come up with a solution." she slides the papers into her desk drawer, before looking at me with a soft smile.

"I will give you one make up test, that will be worth enough to bump you to a high C at least, if done well. But -" miss Garcia hesitates for a moment, and it's enough to deflate the happiness I had begun to feel.

I hate that word but, because you never know what will come after it. Will it be good or bad? Will I cry when she finally finishes her sentence? 

Probably not, but with the but, you never really know.

"Some of those points will come from tutoring sessions. I have already spoken with Alec Goff and he has agreed to tutor you. I will even talk to Coach Roman to try and avoid you missing playing time, but that might mean the two of you will have to set time during school hours." my head nods along to whatever she says, not really even listening to any of the details.

Truthfully, I don't care what the details are. She could say that I have to spend every Saturday morning in her classroom learning. As long as I can still play Baseball, I'll do it with a smile.

"Thank you!" the smile on my face is genuine, thankful that she's giving me a chance.

It would be so easy for her to tell me that I am failing and strip baseball from me, but she isn't doing that. She went above and beyond to try and help me succeed in math so that I can keep doing what I am passionate about.

I'm not going to take the chance for granted.

"Alec is also a senior, so this is his free period too. He told me to tell you he'll be in the library if you want to start." I nod eagerly to miss Garcia's words, already making my way towards the door, throwing a thanks over my shoulder.

I have been in my school's library before, I mean who hasn't. But I never hang out in here. It's more of a get in, get out as soon as possible. I had no idea that so many seniors spent their free period in here.

They are spread out through the small room. Some teenagers sit on computers with headphones blaring music. Others sit in the bean bag chairs by the window, their noses pressed into the book they are reading.

Alec seems to be the only one sitting at a table. He is scribbling notes from his text book, pushing his glasses back up his nose every few seconds. His eyes snap to mine as I quickly plop myself into an open chair in front of him. 

"Thank you so much for this Alec." his blue eyes light up in surprise, he obviously didn't expect me to take him up on his offer.

Or maybe he thought I wouldn't recognize him. Truthfully, I didn't think I would either. The last time I had talked to Alec was when we was eighth grade hall monitor and he detained me for running in the halls.

Sadly, it's like that with many people in this school. Their names are familiar, but trying to put a face to them, is not. Many of us have been going to the same schools since Kindergarten but that doesn't mean we were all friends.

Maybe at one time we were, but people grow and not always together. We all have grown up and have different interests now.

"Brandon. I didn't think you'd be so eager for this." Alex begins to fold up his notes, shoving everything into his backpack except the large mathbook.

I stare at the innocent looking book. It's kind of like an oatmeal cookie. They look okay but when you find out what's inside, you're not happy.

"I need to pass math to play baseball." I shrug, pulling my notebook on to the table.

No one said it would be easy, but baseball is worth it.

<3 <3 <3 <3
Hey, you reading this.
Yeah, you. You're beautiful. Don't forget that ❤😘😍😘❤

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