As long as you love me

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Hiccup and Astrid have been best friends for quite a long time now. Both Hiccup and Astrid had crushes on each other. Astrids crush on hiccup developed when they were about 18 and it was their first performance in front of a crowd. She loved how Hiccups face lighted up on stage and how he talked to the crowd like some eager puppy dog and Hiccup had a crush on Astrid since forever, but neither of them knew of their respective crushes.

Hiccup and Astrid were a singer/songwriter duo. Hiccup wrote the songs while Astrid sang them. But Hiccup had been very distant these past few weeks and Astrid had no idea why.

Ok, let me start at the beginning.


When Hiccup was younger, around 7 or 8, he met a girl with beautiful blonde hair that shined in the sun and astounding crystal blue eyes that he could easily get lost in. That girl was Astrid. After that day they became the best of friends. A few years later, when they were both 12, Hiccup developed a small crush on the blonde beauty, but he didn't know if she felt the same way. They then found an interest in music. Astrid enjoyed singing while Hiccup enjoyed writing songs and lyrics. They were now both 20 and Astrid had never heard Hiccup sing. She had tried several times to try and make him sing, but nothing seemed to work. She even told him that she would set him up with one of her best friends, Heather, and she was sure that it would work. But, Hiccup being Hiccup, said no. They had such a great time together, hanging out and writing songs, but one day that all stopped.

Hiccup began to get very distant and wouldn't spend as much time with Astrid as before. First it was meeting up less during the week, then saying that he was too busy to spend time with her. It even got as worse as him not showing up to there singing\songwriting catchups. Astrid had no idea why Hiccup was doing this, but she was determined to find out why.


It was the end of one of Hiccup and Astrid's rehearsals and Hiccup was quickly packing up his guitar and music notes. Astrid has no idea why so she thought that she should investigate.

"Would you like to grab a coffee with me?" She asked him, slowly creeping closer to the boy.

"Uhh, sorry Astrid, I cant. I've got something on" was his reply as he continued to pack up his music equipment.

"Oh" Astrid said, looking down at the ground as her eyes glossed over with tears that threatened to fall. No she had to stay strong, "that's ok, I guess"

Hiccup lifted his gaze to meet with the girl of his dreams. "I really am sorry Astrid, there's just something really important I have to take care of". And with that Hiccup grabbed his things and headed for the door, Astrid closing the door behind him.

Astrid leaned against the closed door, sighing to herself as her Prince Charming left yet again. 'No, not this time' Astrid thought, grabbing her bag and coat, 'I'm going to see what he's up to'. Astrid opened the door and ran out, hoping to see Hiccup leaving, but, poor Astrid, he had already left. Astrid sighed and hung her head low, walking to her car and heading home.


The truth is, Hiccup had been writing a song in private. But not just any song, a song to confess his true feelings to Astrid. A few of his friends had been helping him. These people were Fishlegs, his best friend, Snotlout, his bratty cousin, the crazy twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut and Astrid's best friend, Heather. Heather was there because she was the only one who knew Astrid as much as Hiccup did, and also wanted to see the Hiccstrid ship set sail.

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