Part 7: Perform

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"It is time she made her lightsaber." Snoke sat, looming over Kylo as a hologram. Kylo stared up into Snokes eyes, not allowing himself to flinch or look away, no matter how much he was wanting too.

"Master?" Kylo struggles to keep his voice steady, he knew that Snoke could easily read his mind and see his feelings for Y/N and his inner battle with the Light and Dark.

"I want you to go to caves of Ilum with the girl, find a kyber crystal." He searched Kylo's eyes for surprise.

"With no guards?" Kylo keeps his voice even, although inside his mind is spinning, Ilum was seized by the Empire before it collapsed, the temple had been sealed.

"The girl is strong, you said so yourself." Snoke looks at Kylo even closer.

"Yes, of course, Master, she is strong. But Ilum, that is where the Jedi found their kybers?" Kylo keeps his eyes trained on Snoke's, not allowing his fear to show through.

"I will find you a pilot." Snoke didn't answer the question, Kylo bowed his head.

"Yes Master, we will depart tomorrow."

"You shall be departing tonight. That is all." Snoke disappeared and Kylo let out a breath, taking off his helmet and dropping it to the floor.

The sound resonated for a long time, but not as long as his fear did.

Kylo strode through the halls, you were training alone in room opposite your chamber when you heard his heavy footfalls. Stepping away from the punching bag, you begin to take the wrapping off your knuckles and dab at your face with a towel.

"Y/N, it's good that you're here, we are leaving." Kylo walks in, making brief eye contact with you and then continuing to walk past you to the centre of the room.

Your mouth drops open.

"Leaving? Where?" You say, the wrapping around your hands forgotten.

"Ilum, Supreme Leader Snoke wishes you to make a lightsaber, as part of your training you must acquire a kyber crystal." He doesn't look you in the eye yet. "I will be accompanying you, but the journey is your own."

"A lightsaber?" You say, excitement flooding your body, your own lightsaber, this was huge, you hated the metal sticks Kylo had been forcing you to train with.

"I have the supplies for the hilt, we will build it on the journey, you must find your own kyber crystal, however, it is tradition." He looks up at you now, expressionless, although you since you can feel some anxiety in him.

"Kylo, what's wrong?" You ask, taking a step towards him, confused why he isn't as excited as you are about this.

"Snoke sent us to get a Kyber crystal from the temple that Jedi's used for the Gathering, it was a holy site to the Jedi." He took a breath, "It's a test, for us the crystal should turn red, it resists darkness. When you touch the crystal and it isn't red, Snoke will know you aren't ready."

You lock eyes with Kylo.

"What will he do if I am not ready?" You ask, fear coursing through your veins.

"You are too useful to kill, but I imagine he will do everything he can to turn you to the darkness, even more than he is now. I can sense you have been able to resist it thus far, but you won't be able too for long." He doesn't sound scared or even worried, but his eyes betray him, he is terrified.

"I can prove my darkness to him." You blurt before you can stop yourself. Kylo smirks, raising an eyebrow.

"How could you do that?" He asks, and you think again quickly.

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