Part 49: Presence

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Kylo glanced over his shoulder one last time before pushing at the door.

The light inside him wavered as the door swung open, it was a strange feeling, but almost familiar, like the months he had spent as a servant of Darkness. The way that the black would wash over him, leaving him as nothing but a vessel attempting to control a mass he couldn't quite touch.

The Force in this room was different, it moved around Kylo as soon as the door swung shut behind him, closing him off from you, his main source of light. It didn't take long for him to realise that the Force was searching for more power.

"Here you are, Ren." Kylo turned his head towards the centre of the room, where Snoke lay on the table.

Rather than answering, he moved closer, letting the glow from his saber wash over Snoke, his eyes curious.

Snoke had his eyes closed, but a small smile spread over his cracked lips.

"Here to kill me, are you?" Snoke asked, his voice barely audible over the low hum of Kylo's weapon.

Kylo still didn't speak, Snoke's smile dropped.

"Do it then. Unless you are too weak." This made Kylo pause, his eyebrows drawing together.

"I am not weak." He said, before even realising his mouth had opened.

Snoke took a deep breath, triumph emanated from him as he tilted his head towards the place where Kylo's voice had come from.

"But you are." He croaked, "You disobeyed my orders, fell for a girl who was useless to our cause with her unruly behaviour..."

Kylo felt the anger bubble up inside him, clawing to escape, he remembered that feeling. But he was better with his control now, instead he tightened his grip, poised to plunge his saber deep into Snoke's chest.

"She was not useless," Kylo said, his tone was even now, calm. "She will change this galaxy, you know, she already has."

Snoke gave a merciless laugh. "Change the galaxy?" Kylo saw his eyes move rapidly behind his lids. "This isn't a legend, Kylo... But wait, I forget, your father never read you many bedtime stories, did he?"

Kylo's hand shook, fighting back the images of his father's face as he pushed the saber into his body.

Snoke's breaths became more even as Kylo fought to keep his mind clear.

"Weakness was your greatest fear, Ren. Now I imagine it would be losing the girl?" Snoke's crooked smile became larger and more disturbing as his eyes remained shut. "She is probably already dead, while you are in here, debating whether you should kill me..."

"I understand you, Snoke." Kylo interrupted, abruptly stepping away from the bed.

Snoke's smirk dipped slightly. "You would never understand me, Ren." He replied, but his voice sounded weaker again.

"You resort to the bleeding of power from your enemies, that is why you grew so powerful. You fed off of it... Like the parasite you are." Kylo brushed his hair from his face, shifting the saber to his other hand. Beads of sweat were forming on his lip as he curled them away from his teeth. "Provoking my temper won't work anymore."

Kylo stepped back from the bed, raising his saber. The weak form on the bed seemed to shrink further, practically already a corpse was it not for the rapid rise and fall of its chest.

With a deep breath, Kylo lowered his weapon.

"Weakness is not a fault, Snoke, being unable to see that is your downfall." Kylo closed his mind, shattering the dark tendrils of power-leeching grip that Snoke had on him. "You do not deserve a death, Snoke. You deserve to live and rot. And yet, I will show you mercy."

Kylo paused before beginning again, his voice shaking slightly. "Join us, Snoke, join the light. Stop the battles. This is your chance."

Snoke's broken laugh almost caused Kylo to stumble with surprise. "How heroic... You truly are a hero, Ren." He wheezed, the smirk growing to a grimace, revealing his dark teeth. "And how stupid."

With sudden speed, Snoke reached out and grabbed Kylo's arm. Kylo, reacting on instinct spun and aimed his saber at Snoke's chest.

"Valiant effort, Ren." Snoke rasped, holding the saber in place using the Force, his hand shaking but not letting Kylo plunge the weapon into his torso.

Kylo. Luke's voice caused Kylo to flinch, starting at the whisper. Looking around the room with his eyes wide he almost lost concentration, his saber beginning to shake under the pressure from Snoke's power.

He deserves no mercy, Kylo, you must end it. Y/N needs you. Kylo glanced down, his eyes wide as hands formed around his own, ghostly pale and slightly see-through, glowing with an intense white light. Kylo's eyes travelled up further until he came face to face with Luke.

Kylo tried to pull away in shock, but the hands held him still.

"But you're dead?" Kylo croaked, his hands starting to shake more.

Kylo, focus. Luke's voice was calm, determined. Killing Snoke will weaken Ara, you'll have time to get her back then.

Kylo began nodding, glancing from his saber to Luke's face, trying to study every detail while his eyes watered from the glare.

Kylo, if you can't get her back. Promise me, you need to kill her. Luke tightened his grip around Kylo's hands, staring into his eyes and attempting to hold his gaze.

Kylo stopped nodding. "Kill her?" He asked, searching Luke's face.

Save her, quickly, or she must die. She will grow strong again when Snoke stops taking her power. Luke answered, keeping his intense gaze.

"How are you here?" Kylo asked, squinting in disbelief the longer Luke stared at him.

The secrets of the Living Force, Kylo. Luke smiled mystically, then and laughed, the sound filling the room with an eerie feeling. Only joking. Your Force kept me from the other side until this was finished. I sense it will be over soon.

Kylo glanced down at Snoke, he seemed frozen in place. "Thank you, Luke," Kylo whispered. As soon as the words had left his lips, the light emanating from the figure of Luke disappeared, however, the strength of his hands surrounding Kylo's stayed.

"Weakness is my strength." Kylo hissed down at the figure of Snoke who had begun to move again, his hand shaking as he fought to hold Kylo in place. With one last look at the place where Luke had stood, Kylo, surrounded by the light that had disappeared, forced the saber into Snoke's chest, watching as he drew one final breath. 

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