Part 46: Quarrel

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Snoke's even breaths were disintegrating by the second, with his eyes closed, his already sullen face seemed to become more and more hollow.

The Force that Rey had held was missing, having flowed into Kylo. The seed that Snoke had planted into the mind of Rey, that had manifested into power was weakening, gone.

"You are a weak creature, Snoke." Ara's words sliced through the dark room, she wasn't sure if he could even hear her.

Even as she stood still, listening to his feeble breaths, she could feel herself becoming heavy, the darkness that had soaked her becoming weaker as she waited. She had to kill them now, or there would be no more time.

The hallway had long lost the stench of cleaning products you had become so accustomed to. Even standing in the room where you slept every night, before Kylo and the Force, had dropped its simple memories.

"Snoke will be somewhere on this ship?"

You could tell that Tyler and Poe were getting nervous and sick of this waiting. There was nothing you could do though.

Kylo sat with his legs crossed and his eyes closed on a bunk in the far corner of the room, a bunk who's former occupant you couldn't even remember the name of.

"He will be, trust Kylo." You answer Tyler and return to picking at your nails, the least disturbing activity you could think of while Kylo located Snoke. Or whatever he was doing.

"I don't understand you, Y/N." This time Poe spoke, from the corner of your eye you could see Tyler frantically trying to silence him.

Taking a long breath, managing it without shuddering or a flash of Rey's body entering your mind, you reply. "And why is that, Poe?"

Even speaking those few words drained your energy, but the nervous tension in the room had to be broken somehow.

"Why do you let Kylo treat you like Hux?" This time when you turn, Tyler froze, instead just frowning at Poe in annoyance.

It almost seemed like everything would have been fine in that moment like Poe was just asking a question he would turn into a joke. In reality, the bags under their eyes and bruises blossoming over their fists silenced any idea of normality.

"I don't understand." The words required so much work, and yet you were curious.

Poe rolls his eyes, falling back against the bunk, keeping his mouth firmly shut.

Pursing your own lips, you return to your attack on your nails, trying to occupy yourself.

"He never tells you his plans, he treats you like you're weak," Poe spoke quietly, under his breath, and yet you knew his words were intended for Kylo to hear.

"Poe, shut up." Tyler finally jutted in, although you didn't want him to, it was strange seeing him act like this. It almost made you smile, they were like a married couple.

But now was not the time for smiling. Instead, you roll your eyes and stand, deciding instead to pace in the narrow corridor between the rows of beds.

"Look at that, Y/N not following Kylo's orders, sit girl." Poe's voice rang through the room, louder and more confident.

"Poe, don't treat her like a dog, you're the bitch," Finn spoke making you look up, in all honesty, you had forgotten he had been there.

Even as you watched the words pour from Poe's mouth, it was as if you had lost the ability to have any sort of emotion.

"Y/N, you don't have to listen to this." Tyler had now stood and moved away from Poe, earning himself a glare. He spoke as if he wanted you to reply, but all you did was nod and keep pacing.

Poe continued his torrent of words, trying to get your attention, all you could see was a spot on the metal wall in front of you, unfocused as it was, it was the only clear aspect of your mind.

"You know, one would not be saying these words if one had attacked me while I was in handcuffs."

Kylo's cold words silenced Poe and the room in an instant.

The hours spent waiting for Kylo to open his eyes finally over you felt yourself breathe a sigh of relief as you turned to him.

A small smile played over his lips as he watched Poe open and close his mouth a few times with no words coming out.

"You know where he is?" It was hard to keep the smug tone from your voice, and looking around the room, even Hux, alone and awkward bit his lip as if trying to stop a grin.

"I do, however, I would be ever so keen to hear more relationship advice from Dameron." Kylo's slick tone made Poe a deeper shade of red, a mumbled apology coming from his lips.

You widen your eyes, discarding Kylo's latter comment and focusing on the former. "You know where Snoke is?"

Kylo broke his stare at Poe and turned to you, "I do, vaguely, but I know that Ara will be in the vicinity as well."

Do you agree with Poe? Kylo's smooth, confident voice was lost when he spoke to you through the Force, catching you off guard.

Pondering for a moment you look up at Kylo, matching his gaze.

Why would I take orders from you if I didn't want to? My skill with the saber is far superior to yours.

Kylo's eyes widened for a moment before a chuckle escaped his lips, causing the others in the room to look around at the foreign sound.

I guess we aren't equals then? He replied, not even turning to the others as they shot each other confused glances. The light dancing in his eyes drew you in and made you return his cheeky smile.

I won't hold my skill against you.

Kylo smiles a lopsided grin and looks down at his hands bashfully.

"Hello?" Tyler's voice breaks through your focus, causing you to turn abruptly, blushing.

"I assume, as Snoke is the source of power for Rey and Ara, the act of Rey's Force flowing to mine will have weakened him greatly. And therefore, Ara will also be weak." Kylo instantly continues, his smooth recovery making your cheeks feel redder.

It was like you were regaining the ability to feel. But this wasn't over yet.

"So we go now?" Finn asks, his eyebrows furrowed as he stands.

"We go now." Kylo answers, standing as well and testing his saber, the red glow filling the room.

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