Part 35: Mystery

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"Are you ready?" Kylo jumps down the last rung of the ladder and grasps your hands.

You nod, the nervousness twisting inside you uncomfortably.

Kylo searches your eyes, his own troubled. His hair frames his face, tickling his lips as he leans close to you and rests his forehead on yours.

"We will be fine." He whispers, squeezing your clammy hands comfortingly.

You nod against his head again but don't answer.

You weren't sure of the plan, all you knew was Snoke had to be gone, and with his power, it would be near impossible.

Kylo angled his head lower with his lips inches from yours, asking permission.

You close your eyes and press your lips to his, the sudden overwhelming fear of this being the last time you could kiss him making you clutch him to you.

He places his hands on your cheek and strokes his thumb under a tear you didn't realise had fallen, opening your eyes you meet his.

"I love you." You whisper and run your hands through his thick hair, savouring the feeling.

"I love you." He whispers back to you and plants a light kiss on your forehead.

Still grasping your hand, he leads you into the main area of the ship, to the sleeping form of Rey.

He stretches out his hand and holds it over her for a second, his eyes focused on her form.

Rey's eyelids flutter and she opens them fully.

"Where am I?" She asks, her voice still tainted by sleep.

"We are in the range of the First Order, awaiting them to pick us up. The fight begins soon." Kylo adds the last part, his voice dropping in volume.

He meets your eyes briefly and looks back at Rey, who was starting to scowl.

"You put me to sleep?" She demands, her voice gaining more aggression as she wakes up.

"It was necessary, we had to go." You speak up, trying to seem welcoming. Instead, Rey throws a withering gaze to you.

"I don't want an explanation from a First Order cleaner." She hisses and stands, swaying slightly but waving away Kylo.

You step back slightly, stung, but Kylo squeezes your hand.

Ignore her. He says gently in your mind, and you squeeze his fingers back.

"Wait, we are waiting for them to pick us up?" Rey says, her voice sounding stronger as she straightens her clothes.

"Yes. Snoke will know we are coming, there was no element of surprise by any means." For a moment Kylo lost his understanding, in those few seconds he was the ruthless commander you had met just months ago. You could tell Rey had realised this, she stopped pushing the matter and instead threw a last glare over her shoulder and went to find her weapon.

Kylo turned back to you. "Will you inform Poe and Tyler? I'll go and talk to Finn." You nod at Kylo and leave the room, walking down the corridor to the pilots quarters.

Tyler and Poe sit quietly in the cockpit upon your entry, you place a hand on the back of both of their chairs.

"Are you two okay?" You ask, breaking the silence.

Poe turns in his chair, his stubble shadowed his jaw, but the shadows under his eyes were more apparent. You don't say a word and neither does he, instead, turns back around in his chair, focusing on the darkness in front of him.

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