Part 47: Cracks

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"I'm not going with you." Poe's voice broke the spell of hope that had bloomed in your chest.

Kylo turned off his saber and turned to him swiftly. "What do you mean, you aren't coming with us?"

Poe crossed his arms. "I am not going anywhere with a murderer."

His voice rang through the room taking all the air with it, or so it seemed.

"Kylo saved your life, Poe." Tyler's words were hesitant, his eyes flicking towards Finn as he spoke.

"Tyler's right, you owe him your life." Finn agreed, nodding and glaring at Poe.

Poe remained still.

"We can't split up again, Poe." Kylo's voice was low and threatening, it had an instant negative effect on Poe.

"You have no right to tell me what to do!" Poe's sudden raised voice silenced Kylo for a couple of seconds, he stood staring at the heavy breathing Poe with his eyebrows furrowed.

"You're absolutely correct." Kylo took a deep breath. "But you will not endanger the rest of the group because of your actions."

Poe rolled his eyes. "Tell me how to get to Snoke, I'm going alone." Poe paused. "I won't harm your little troupe." He raised his hands as he said that, putting quotations around the word.

"You are not going alone, Poe..." Tyler said with a nervous chuckle, you could tell he was willing Poe to forget his idea.

Poe brushed lightly against the stubble on his jaw. "I will do what I want."

Tyler made a choked sound as he searched for words to say, you glance quickly at Kylo, meeting his eyes for a split second.

He blames himself for her death, you know. You reach out to Kylo, almost not thinking about it. For a moment you recalled first learning how to communicate with Kylo in this fashion, too much had changed between those times.

If he goes alone he'll die.

You pause for a moment before replying. It's his choice.

Kylo turns to you, the anguish in his eyes evident. I don't want more blood on my hands.

You nod at him, meeting his eyes steadily. It is not your fault. You meant more than just Poe in that moment, unsure if you had managed to communicate all that you had meant. The Force, Snoke, his father... But Kylo seemed to have understood.

"I'm going with you." Tyler's words brought you back into the present situation.

"No, Tyl..." Poe began, inclining his head.

"This is my decision, if you are going to be an idiot, you're not doing it alone." Tyler's voice broke slightly as he spoke, he fiddled with the buttons on his jacket awkwardly.

Poe shook his head. "Kylo, tell Tyler that it's stupid..."

Kylo shrugged. "It's your decision, not the best, but I can't stop you."

Poe's jaw dropped open. "Finn, your opinion?"

Finn glanced at Poe and then back to the floor he had been staring at.

"If you're blaming yourself, stop." He pursed his lips at the ground. "Splitting up worked last time."

Hux's laugh caused everybody in the room to turn to him. He abruptly stopped, looking awkwardly at his hands. "You think splitting up worked last time? Someone died." He drew his eyes up until he was staring back at Finn's shocked ones. His lip twisted slightly in distaste.

For a few seconds nobody spoke, the tension in the room growing.

Finn held the eye contact before inhaling deeply. "Good to know your ability to speak does not make you intelligent."

Hux dropped his eyes clenching his fists as his cheeks started to glow red. The building pressure in the room disappeared within that moment and you fought back the urge to smile.

"We have to go." Kylo cut in, avoiding eye contact with both Finn and Hux, but a glint in his eyes indicated that Kylo was also suppressing a smirk.

"I'm going, Tyler, you are staying," Poe replied, walking to the door and glancing over his shoulder.

Tyler stayed still, right up until Poe disappeared around the door.

"You'll send me one of those message things where to go?" He asked, turning to Kylo. Kylo nodded stiffly. "Right," Tyler rolled back his shoulders. "See you soon."

With that, he strode to the door and followed Poe's footsteps.

With the absence of Tyler and Poe, silence rang through the room for nearly a minute.

"What are we waiting for?" Hux finally asked, stemming the thoughts rushing through your mind.

"A solution," Kylo answered shortly.

Finn also looked up.

"Are we ready for this?" He asked, genuinely sounding concerned.

Kylo paused.

"To defeat one of the former most powerful Force users in the galaxy and his puppet?" Kylo took a deep breath. "No more ready than we ever can be."

"Let's go kill Snoke." You say, turning on your saber carefully.

Everyone in the room nodded vacantly, preoccupied with the thoughts of the battle ahead.

One by one, everybody files from the room, until only you and Kylo are left, standing in the same spot as before.

"Y/N," Kylo begins, just as you take a few steps forwards, attempting to wrap your arms around him. Just as he speaks he holds up his hands, causing you to pause. He continues, "If anything happens, you need to find a way out, okay?" He gazes into your eyes, his expression serious whereas you furrow your brows.

"If anything happens, I'm staying to fight Kylo." You shake your head and batter his hands down, embracing him. "I'm staying with you, always."

Kylo nods slowly, reaching down to brush a strand of hair from your face, before placing his hand behind your head and bringing your lips to his, kissing you tenderly.

"I'll protect you." He whispers, more to himself than you.

"I know." You reply, burying your face in his chest to hide the fear on your face. 

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