The Accident that Changed Everything

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Little Rin's POV:
I wonder why Yukio looks scared of me I thought while I stare out at the street from the school. I have been a good boy so far.

Then I hear whisper from the adult ladies in the other room.
"He's a Demon."
"I don't want my child near him."
"He is a Monster."
"A Demon's Child."

I try to ignore there whispers hoping that they would stop. Everyone knew who they were talking about to me. Rin Okumura the older brother of the Okumura twins.

Almost everyone I meet is scared of me and I never know why. They all either back away slowly and try to slip away or, run away screaming when ever I say hi to them.

As the whisper continue on I start to get madder and madder.
"I hope the younger twin doesn't turn out like him."
"I want my child pit into another classroom that thing is to dangerous."
" How could anyone love a child like that."

My anger is about to the boiling point when Yukio tugs gently on my sleeve and says "Onii-chan are you okay?"

I see the fear in yukio's eyes so I can down. I was still made at them but, I wasn't the monster they though I was." Yeah don't worry about I'm fine." I run his head jokingly

Time Skip Later That Day

"Come on kids time to pick a partner." The teacher called I look for Yukio and he is with a girl with short blond hair and green eyes. I look around to see everyone got a partner but, me.

"No groups of three!" She breaks up a group of boys in a huddle. 

"But we don't want to be with a demon!" Cried the three little kids

That was it I could not control myself as I stomped over and yell in there faces "I am not a Demon I'm a kid just like any of you!" At that moment I had completely lost control and threw a hard balls at the kids. It had hit one of them in the stomach and the second on hit the kid in the leg. As I was about to throw the last ball father stepped in. 

"Look at this Rin. Do you understand at what you just did your friends are in the hospital because of you right now." He said looking me straight in the eyes

"They weren't my friends they called me a Demon!" I scream back

"It is your fault for being so violent." Father said with a serious look on his face.

"Rawwr!" I scream back at him in anger as I launch a chair his way throwing as hard as I could. Then as he approaches me I lose complete control for a few seconds all I could see was a blur and the next thing I new is that I punched Dad in the gut.

Then minute I gained control of my emotions again I was so worried until he started talking again joking around.

"As if! Just Kidding! Did you get scared." He tries to joke with me again and then he pulls me into a hug muttering to me. I didn't get all of the words but, I knew I had to behave better. 

Once he released me from the hug he hit the ground and asked for someone to call the ambulance. I panicked and once the ambulance came he started to joke around again as if nothing was hurt but, I heard that he had several broken ribs when the men taking him away were whispering about.

"Daddy!" I called out

"Don't you look at me like that! Don't worry! A tiny fist like yours can't knock me down. I'll just have them checked out by some big boobed nurse." As he looks at me with a smile on his face and making a peace sign as they drove him away.

Once everything was over I walked Yukio home with fear in his eyes. I worried about what would happen if Yukio developed my habits. It would be horrible. As we leave the little girl from earlier wave and said " Bye Yuki! By Yuki's Big Brother."

Time Skip Later That Night.

As I stare up at the starry night sky on the roof of the church I worry about the future of Yukio and Dad. Until this demon plopped down out of who knows wear and sat right next to me he was kind of funny looking. He had dark purple hair and wore white and pink strips. 

"Who are you?" I ask him 

"Your big brother." he says patting my head gently

"No your not your a demon and I'm a human were not related." I say back wondering what on earth he talking about.

"Who said you were human? You were able to brake you 'dads' ribs so easily no human can do that."  He states back mocking me as if I was being proved wrong once again "If you don't believe me then how about we make a deal if you don't scare that blond little girl next time you  meet you go with me and if she isn't scared by the end of the meeting I will leave you alone and not bother you again. So do we have a deal?"  He reaches out his hand.

I shake it and say "Deal but, you can't hurt my family either okay."

"Sure what ever Rin." he says mildly

"Wait how do you know my name!?" I replied with my eyes wide and jaw dropped pretty much on the floor at this point

"Brothers know there kin's names. By the way my name is Samuel but, in this world you can call me Mephisto." He smiles and then disappears within the night.

"Did I really make the right decision?" I ask the sky as I continue to stare up at it. " Of course I did if I win then that demon will stay away from dad, Yukio and me." I respond to myself and then climb of the roof to go to sleep. 

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