Another Day in Gahenna

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Hello my readers I hope you are enjoying reading this series sorry it took so long to update I had family deaths and school started the 22nd of August so it took me awhile to get us to everything and now I present you with the next chapter. *claps once and the story shale continue.*


Rin's POV 

It's been a few years now since I went with Onii-san (Mephisto) to Gehenna it wasn't what I thought it would look like at all. When he said it was a mirror world of Assiah I thought it would be dark, gloomy, and looked ramshackle or torn apart. That wasn't the case though if I had to admit it. Gehenna look a lot like Assiah but more greener and there were different environments or areas demon king rules over......

"But Rin you promised me that you spar with me today!" exclaims a little silvered haired girl with a pouting look on her face.

"Well I'm busy today so, why don't you go ask someone else like Amimon or Iblis. I'm sure they would spar with you instead." I grumble as I crawl under the blankets to go back to sleep. 

"No! It has to be you." Lucifer yells back dragging my body out of the warm comfy blankets.

"Hey I was still sleeping!" I shout and tackle her tickling her sides she giggles and tries to squirm away.

"Stop... please." she  plea in between giggles 

Once I am satisfied, I grin and  I get off of her and stretch my body. "Your so mean big brother ." she says angrily that wasn't even a fair fight so, come on and we can go spar in the training room at Azuela's place she tries to drag me out of the room until a servant knock and enters my room blocking our exit.

"Prince Rin your father would like to meet with you." he politely states bows and then leaves.

"Well guess I can't today." I say as I break free of Lucifer as I push her out of the door. Then I take a shower and get around.

As I open the door I see Lucifer in a white dress cover in black lace she stares at me and then she links arms with me and tries to drag me again but, this time to fathers throne room.

"Wait what are you doing and why are you dragging me to the throne room." I question her and struggle as I slip out of her grip.

"Well I thought I would be  your alibi if father says you did something." she giggles sticking her tongue out at me.

"You cause as much trouble as me I mean you blew up part of Amimon's territory when you last sparred with Iblis." I smirk as if I didn't also do the same thing with him last time as well.

As we push open the throne room and enter a room tinted blue because of the blue flames that lit the room it was a elegant room with a lapis blue rug that lead up to a throne made of silver and had light blue cushions complementing fathers white hair and sleek body perfectly.

"Hello Father." I say bowing down to my father as Lucifer does the same.

"Rin it you and Lucifer." His face lights up as he gets off his throne and hugs us tight. "How many times do I have to tell you to call me dad." he says smiling at us.

After calming down he gets back on the throne "Anyway I called you here because Samuel requested to know if you would like to get out of Gehenna for a little bit and stay at his place." he says calmly "I think it is a good chance for you to learn more about the humans and socialize with them a bit more." he says smiling " do you want to go?" 

"Sure I am willing to go so can I go to. I will keep an eye on Rin for you so he doesn't blow anything up." Lucifer says jumping up and down with excitement and smiling as hard as she could.

"Well that all matters if Rin wants to go." Satan reply's after all the invitation was meant to go to him.

"Come on Rin it will be fun we could go to human arcade and shopping centers and candy stores." She pleas trying to convince me. Lucifer has never been to the human world so it would be all new to her and I wanted to go myself.

"Fine tell Samuel will see him soon." I say casually looking at the overly excited Lucifer jumping around with excitement.

"Okay that will be all." Satan notions us towards the door as he starts to work on the big pile of paperwork on the side of his throne.

Once we leave the room Lucifer gives me a huge hug and says cheerfully. "Thanks big brother your the best ever." and skips away to her room trying to figure out what to pack for the journey.

I head back to my room and get out my suit case and then lay on the bed." I can't wait to be back I say to myself I knew I had changed since I was last there but I thought it would be nice if I could see Yukio and Shiro one last time as I imagine us meeting again I drift slowly of to sleep

~Few Hours Later{After Rin's Nap}~

I finish packing my clothes and look to my desk there was the old picture I had kept for so long I decide to pack it in with everything and seal my suit case and meet up with Lucifer to go to the human world.

I meet her at the gate she and father were waiting for me." Come on slow poke I have been waiting for you forever." She groans 

"Oh yeah I forgot." she says clapping her hands together. "Father said you can't call me Lucifer because I guess the exorcist know about me because I am so famous in Gehenna." she says posing like a model

I laugh "The only thing you famous for is for cause mass destruction." I reply jokingly

"Your so mean big brother." she pouts crossing her arms.

"But, a few hours ago you said I was the best big brother ever." I says tauntingly 

She ignores my comment and continues to talk "Anyway Big brother I need you to call me Lucy now okay."

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