Lucifer Has No Sense of Direction

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Hello readers how have you all been? ---Awkward Silence---- Okay so that is how it is does that mean nobody is reading my book.....  Well I guess that makes sense since I haven't written in forever.


 Fine is your going to be like that is I'll go write the next chapter

Also Imaginary readers there has been small spelling edits to the previous chapters so sorry if it inconvenienced you now back to the book.

I know I said this would be out soon but my perception of time is soon is when ever I have enough time after school work and apocalypse prepping so.........yup this is clearly high on my priority list but I promise I will finish this book because I really hate it when people don't finish what they start so I can guarantee that at least.


Rin's POV 

"I thought you said you knew where you were going?" I sigh in frustration as me and Lucy have been wondering the street for two hours and still had for no sign of the finding the arcade.

"Well the video games me and Amai play are modeled after this city and some other ones so they should show us where the arcade is." Lucifer explains as she continues to ramble on about how it only took 12 hours for her an Amaimon to beat their latest game from the human world.

"So change of plans we ditch the 2D metal map you go up there" I pat her head as I continue on "lets just go in one of the nearby store and ask for directions to the nearest arcade okay?"

Upon hearing my words she starts to pout clearly not agreeing with my opinion and responds with "Fine Big Brother"

After practically dragging my sister with me into the nearest store I take a look around to notice its a pastry shop. Maybe I should come back here sometime and get Amaimon and Mephisto something from here in the future. I continue to examine the shelves as Lucifer eyes the pastry containing chocolate. I chuckle and continue looking around until I hear a familiar voice at the counter.

"I like to buy your entire supply of sucker, lollipops, and all other form of hard candy." an emotionless voice demands at the counter

"We are deeply sorry sire but we have a limit on how much candy we can give to one person per purchase." The receptionist replies bowing politely "The most we can grant you about 1/4 of our stock."

The demon sigh and locks eyes with me and grind "Well if it isn't little brother and sister what bring you all the way to the human realm?" He examines me  checking me over and then pick up the puppy dog eyed Lucifer so she would face him and examines her too. 

"Huh what's big bro Ami doing here?" Lucifer says responding with Amimon's question with yet another question. As she tries to mental catch herself up on the situation. 

"Well, I guess I'm hear for my weekly candy restock and your all gonna help." He  smiles and puts Lucifer down. He grabs our hands and heads back to the counter.

"Excuse me Miss, My siblings would like buy 1/2 of you supply of candy thank you very much." He pushes us towards the counter and we lock eyes with each other and nod.

"So how much if our total I manage to get out." Me and Lucifer defiantly brought a bit of cash for our adventure to the arcade but we did not have enough to buy out half a store supply of hard candy.

"That will be 1 million yen." She responds slightly startled at the unholy amount of candy we had just ordered from the store.

As Amaimon finishes up with the receptionist about stuff like shipping and what we could currently take with us, and also something about forwarding the payment to Mephisto from True Cross.

Afterward Amaimon took us back to true cross academy saying it would be better to just play video games at the Academy for there was less humans there is what he said. My personal opinion was he probably just want to claim his candy right when it arrived.

This time with a proper guide home we managed to get back to true cross academy at a decent time for demons who are nocturnal by nature we would need extra sleep and some time to unpack if we were going to pull through a whole day of classes tomorrow.

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