Even Demon's Have Boring Classes

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yes. yes. I am okay I just thought hey I'm bored lets write another chapter.

I should also mention I do read comments I know shocking right (insert readers gasps)

I wanted to say I appreciate you comments, sarcastic remarks, and votes they are the main reason I honestly am keeping this book going and I love you all. 

sometimes I do wonder what y'all are doing reading my awful book but I don't think I need to know that but anyway.........Enjoy 

AHAHAHAHAHAHA (manically laughs)


Rin's POV

It's been a few hours since we joined the class and it seemed to be pretty decent. The classes were pretty basic it was all about what kind of demons and those kinds of stuff. I was so basic I didn't really need notes and Lucifer didn't seem too concerned about class because she was getting the sleep she needed after her previous gaming session.

I took the time to observe my classmates. The first thing I noticed was a group of three one boy was short and had his head completely shaved, he was sporting a pair of glasses as well. From what the other two were talking about I heard them call him Konekomaru.

The next boy in the group had his hair completely pink. He seemed the most laid back of the bunch and from the looks of it, he had a Buddhist staff as his primary weapon. Maybe I would approach him first after all from the looks of it he probably won't attack me from the get-go.

Finally, there was what looked like a punk in the group. He had piercing eyes that constantly glared at me and Lucifer as we had already blown up the school or something. His hair had one long streak of blond in his hair.

The trio was grouped together and avidly paying attention to the teacher and taking notes at almost at an inhuman pace. It made me wonder if I was the actual demon here in this classroom.

Then there was a somewhat familiar face but I couldn't exactly put my finger on it. There was a quiet girl in the front with her platinum blonde hair in a bob cut. She didn't wear the school uniform like everyone else instead she wore a pink kimono.

I could swear I know her but I haven't interacted with humans in a long time. I would occasionally visit the human world to visit Mephisto but nothing worth mentioning.

As I continue to glance around I see a girl with long purple hair with pigtails and what looked like her friend on the other side of the room. They seemed to be listening but not as intently as the three boys were.

Finally, there was a hooded person in the back playing video games and a boy with puppets for hands. Both of them were mysterious in their own way, but I have learned after growing up in Gehenna that some things are better left unanswered and this was one of those cases.

All of a sudden there was the sound of a smack of a book against the counter. I immediately jump and I look over to see the startled look of a now startled Lucy. The teacher was right in front of us. He was smiling but I could sense the malice behind it.

I and Lucifer look at each other and the teacher starts to start talking "If you going to join the class late then at least listen to the lecture instead of dazing off." He coldly declares and waits for the poor excuse we could come up with.

Before I could respond however Lucy speaks up "I was paying attention but everything is so boring I decided to close my eyes and listen." She proudly declares as she tries to act like she wasn't sleeping in the middle of class.

He gives Lucifer a skeptical look before responding "If you know so much about demons tell me what is the answer to number 7." with a smile on his face. He knew that Lucy hadn't been paying attention and had tricked her into a question he hadn't even gone over yet.

I watch as little sister looks up the question and upon seeing it immediately responds "Hobgoblin is the answer." She gives the teacher a look that said you woke me up just to answer this question.

I chuckle slightly too loud as the teacher's shocked face is immediately turned to me. "How about you Mr. Rin do you want to answer a question?"

"No Sir I think I'm good." I wave off his attempt to make me answer the next question and try to stop wandering off. I watch the teacher walk back to the front of the class.

Right as he was about to start class the now awake Lucifer whispers to me "Hey that teacher kind of looks like you a bit."

I look at the teacher closely and noticed there were a few similarities between us like our eye color but nothing too definite to say we looked related. I whisper back to her "Maybe a little."

"Ahem, you're disturbing the class" I hear the punk boy say just loud enough to hear.

Lucifer decided to let it go but this surprised me because she usually gets fired up about these kinds of things, but it looks like she was about to head back to sleep and didn't hear. I might have let it go but something about him pissed me off.

"Oh really am I no way," I say taunting him a bit. I almost saw a vein pop on his head. He didn't respond but I could feel the daggers he was staring at me but one question still remained in my head. What was the name of that teacher again?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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