Arrival in Asshia

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Sup people I trying to update more because of the issue that is didn't update for long periods of time so here we go.


Rin's  POV

When we come out of the gate we are in a very familiar room. I felt as if I had been here before. The was a polished wood desk in front of the windows. and two pink striped sofa's right across  from each other. 

"Welcome back to Assiah." I hear a voice coming from in the pink pillows that covered the sofa's. All of a sudden a white Scottish terrier jumps out of them and lands on the ground.

"Samuel is that you." I look at the dog wags his tail.

"Yay its a doggie." Lucifer shouts as she scoops up the dog Samuel and stats to scratch him gently and cuddle with him.

Samuel clearly surprised weaves out of her arms and transforms back to his normal form.

"Awwww. the doggie disappeared. I was so excited I hadn't seen one in forever." Lucifer says disappointed.

"Rin why is she hear and I am glad your here," he says as he attempts to hug me except for the part that I dodge him and he lands on the ground.

"Okay she is here because she wanted to come really bad, and father said she could come." I say helping him off the ground.

"Samuel it's nice to see you again." Lucifer tackles him with a hug.

"Hi Lucifer what are you doing here?" he says coldly staring at her.

"I came here to have fun." she says excitedly wagging her white fluffy demon tail. "Oh yeah and here is the manga I borrowed from you last time." she pulls the manga out of her pocket in perfect condition.

"Wow I can't believe you actually brought it back in great condition considering you record I thought you accidently destroyed it when brawling." Samuel  says amazed

"So you were giving her the cold shoulder because you though she destroyed one of your manga?" I questioned him

"Yup that's pretty much it." He says bluntly.

"Well I couldn't balm him if I did that though." Lucifer says backing him up. "I would be pretty mad if someone did that to me." she says giggling 

"Anime and manga are life right Lucifer." Samuel says giving Lucifer a high five.

"Otaku's for life." she reply's high fiving him back.

"Okay now that is done I was going to enroll you into true cross academy for year, so you guys can observe humans for awhile and know more about them." Mephisto says siting behind his desk interlocking his fingers as he looks at us. "So what do you think of the idea" he questions.

"Sounds interesting." I answer in a voice that sounds like I am excepting a challenge.

"Hey Samuel can I enroll in the exorcist cram school as well as normal school." Lucifer says excitedly.

"Well it would be risky but it would also be very interesting so I guess it would be okay but, you would have to be very careful okay." Mephisto says agreeing.

"Then can I go to exorcist school I don't want little sis revealing her powers so, I will keep her in check." I says but, I secretly wanted to go anyway.

"Don't worry big brother I will keep him in check as well." Lucifer says excitedly

"Okay then you will both attend true cross academy as well as exorcist cram school." He says writing it do on some fancy looking forms.

"Now all that is left is your living accommodations we can't have you live with me because, one you guys are to destructive, and two people will start to expect that we are related and that would be bad for both you and me okay." Samuel says sternly. "So you guys will live in the old dormitory so, no exorcist will notice you when you fight."

"Okay that is go by us." we said agreeing because both of us really wanted to stay.

"yay then we could also brawl in the morning." Lucifer says excitedly jumping up and down.

"Now that everything is settled you guys can go back to your dorm orientation is tomorrow so please don't cause trouble  while I do the paperwork." he says looking over to the stack of paperwork.

"Okay but, we will only leave if I get to barrow you manga whenever." Lucifer says with a smug look on her face.

"You can only barrow them if you return them in perfect condition. Ms. Yuki." he says without looking up from the stack.

"Fine and how did you know that my alias here is lucy?" she says surprised.

"Its a secret," he says putting his pointer finger on his lips and making a shh motion.

"Its pretty obvious as well goof." I chuckle as I ruffle her hair

"here are the keys to your dorm and exorcist cram school." Samuel says tossing me and Lucifer our keys.

"Here's a tip call me Mephisto when your here so, your not suspicious." he says trying not to laugh.

When Lucifer  closed the door we start to walk out the door until she opens up a window and jumps out of it.

"What are you doing sis normal people don't jump out of three story windows whenever they feel like it." I say as I jump after her.

"It was faster and you did it too." She points out

"Gah just don't do it again okay." I reply frustrated  "Lets go explore the city."

"Lets hit the manga store, the candy shop and arcade." Lucifer says running ahead of me.

"Fine but, your paying for everything." I yell as I try to catching up to her.

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