Keith "Two-bit" Mathews (1)

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Keith Mathews, best known as Two-bit. I'm in love with him and he knows it but we can't do anything about it; he's in love with me and I know it but we can't do anything about it.

Why? Well, I'm the Curtis' sister. I never thought that being their sister was a bad thing, but in this situation, it really is.

I've never had a boyfriend. Sure, I've kissed a few times, but no more than that.

And I'm frustrated. We really want to be in a relationship, but we think that the guys won't accept it.

Today was Saturday, Darry had work since his boss offered him a few hours extra and he took them. Ponyboy and Johnnycakes said they were going to the lot and Sodapop went to get some food with Steve at the Dairy Queen. Don't ask me where Dallas is, no one has an answer to that.

So I'm watching Mickey Mouse and Two-bit comes in without knocking, as usual.

"Hey, Y/N. What're you doing?" He asks sitting in the couch beside me.

"Oh, just watching some Tv since nobody's home." I say trying not to look at him so you don't blush; you can see him staring from the corner of your eyes.

Both of you stay quiet for a while but you feel him shifting a lot, which means that he's nervous.

"Why are you nervous, Two? Is there something bothering you?" I ask concerned.

"Well, I wanted to ask you something. I mean, I know that your brothers most likely won't accept us dating, but we could try, right? I me-"

"Two-bit, just get to the point." I say now as nervous as he is.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?"


Just as I'm about to respond someone else answers for me.

"No, she wouldn't and she won't."

"Darry? What are you doing here?"

"My boss told me to go since I had been a few hours working alone and put another guy. Now I have to ask you, what's going on?" He asks standing in front of us with his hands on his waist.

"Well, Darry, we've liked each other for a while but we haven't done anything about it since we think that you won't accept the two of us dating." Two-bit says standing up.

And I stood up too.


Joking, I want to die relaxed in my lovely couch.

"Look, you can date, alright? But if you break her heart once, you're dead." Darry says sternly.

"What?" Two and I ask surprised.

"You heard me, don't make me say it again." He says walking to the kitchen.

As soon as he disappears I stand up and crush my lips against Keith's.

"No kissing while I'm in the house!" We hear Darry yell.


Thanks a lot for those who have been reading my imagines.♥️


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