Dallas "Dally" Winston (2)

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Being best friends with Dallas Winston isn't the easiest thing. Because he denies it; he denies that he knows you, he denies that you're the only person he tells everything to.

But he says that it isn't bad being selfish over the only thing he would give his life for: me.

He loves me, I mean, he doesn't say it but you can notice by his gestures. I just think that he doesn't love me the way I want him to.

He doesn't want the gang to know me because he knows that they would like me instantly, and he wants me to be his only.

Now, I'm not saying that just because I think things are that way, it's because he has told me this.

Hard to love. He thinks he is hard to love. But he knows that I love him, and he doesn't want to lose that.

What he doesn't know is that I don't just love him, he doesn't know that I'm in love with him.

Hell, I'm head over heels for that bad boy.

And I don't think he would like to know that.

So that's why I'm sitting here, listening to him rambling about how Sylvia two timed him, again, and holding back the desire to tell him how I feel about him, how I'd do everything for him, how I would be the perfect girlfriend just for him.

How I wouldn't cheat on him the way that she did.

"Honestly, I knew that broad was going to cheat on me again, but, man, she was fast. I mean, I didn't do much time in the cooler this time, she could've waited a little more." He said while taking a smoke.

We're at my house; he wouldn't risk going into town with me, couldn't show people his soft spot.

He's laying on the floor and I'm laying in my couch.

"I'm sorry to tell you, but that's what broads like her do, Dally. Shouldn't have expected more from her." I said closing my eyes.

"Yeah, but I thought she would wait." He exclaimed and sat up.

"I know that you expected her to wait, but I already told you what I think. What else do you want me to tell you?" I said getting angrier everytime he opened that mouth to talk about her.

"Okay, I'm sorry. But it's just that she could have..."

"Golly, would you stop talking about her?!" I said standing up from the couch and finally showing my emotions.

He stares at me surprised.

I mean, I always listen to him talk about his problems and it's not annoying, hell, I even like him talking to me about everything he can. But listen to him talking about a that broad? I'm sorry, I can't.

"Okay, I'm not good at this but I know something's wrong, so I think you should tell me."

"Have you really not noticed?"

"What?" He says and with that look I know that he definitely hasn't realized how I feel.

Oh, I know I'm going to regret this but to hell with it, I need to do it.

"I love you." I blurted out.

"I know, sweetheart." He laughs.

"No, I mean, I'm in love with you."


"Oh, God, forget it, okay? Just forget it. Keep talking about Sylvia." I tried to lay down again but he sat between my legs facing me and grabbed my waist.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2018 ⏰

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