Chapter 4 : If all men are liars

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Lilly's P.O.V

I woke up to a repetitive noise on the left side of my bed..My alarm.

I reached over to turn it off with a groan of annoyance. I stayed up working and only managed to get an hour of sleep,

I was hearing noises downstairs, Kyle must have come in early.

I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and use the toilet before heading downstairs,

I looked ahead to see Kyle eating a bowl of granola

"The beast has awoken" Kyle joked, throwing his arms up,

"Good Morning Kyle" I laughed in response and kissed his cheek.

"Glam team should be over soon, Ashley said they're on the way"

"Damn, I'm so tired" I facepalmed with a quiet yawn.

"Why what was you doing late last night?" Kyle winked at me.

"Boy shut the eff up, I worked hard and I went to sleep, I should be asking you what you was doing last night , I saw your Instagram story" I pouted,

Kyle and I have the kind of relationship where we know our limits. Yeah we "savage" each other and make jokes but I'd never intend to hurt him.

"Just a couple drinks, let's NOT get it twisted" He said whilst tapping his fingernail on the counter causing us to laugh

"Anyway, it's someone's birthday today.." Kyle smirked, tracing his finger around the rim of his mug.

"I know, I should probably call him" I looked up in thought "and you better stop smirking, I swear." I raised an eyebrow.

"I honestly can't help it" He covered his face, chuckling.

"You, Humble, Nata, Simmi.." I thought "AND alex and lauren.. you're all so into this thought of us dating" I laughed.

"Well.. that's 6 of us and about 12.5 million of your subscribers" Kyle shrugged "It's nearly Christmas season.. make our wishes become a reality" he groaned.

"I don't sell dreams, honey" I shrugged "anyway, I'm going upstairs, let me know when you need me"


"Are you nervous ?" I laughed looking into my phone camera

"Of course I am!! Team Super are gonna lose their shit" Dom Laughed in response

"What?" I frowned
"I think you mean the dominators are gonna lose their ish" I laughed.

"Well we'll see in about.." Dom trailed off looking down at his wrist with a squint.

"Two Hours" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes with a slight chuckle.

"Enough about my channel. Aren't you putting out your girl love video tomorrow?" He raised a brow

"Yeah" I sighed
"Aren't you excited?"
"Well.. I'm not sure. It might get major backlash. Remember the concept?"

I was nervous to put out this video. The idea was to have young girls to speak on serious societal issues and share statistics. The topics included Rape, Sexual Assault, Forced Marriage and quite a few more. I think it would shock people that young girls would speak on things of them categories. My intentions are never to distress a viewer.

"Yes I remember the concept." Dom spoke "I also think it's AMAZING. The fact that you have the confidence to put out such a controversial video with good intentions is impressive. Your impact changes lives. Your impact puts towards change in the world. It's inspiring, I know it's inspired me. Backlash will come from people who either didn't listen or simply understand, sure we can't make everyone understand what we're trying to say, however, that person will take something away from that video. If there's any way to spread awareness, it's this way. I'm proud, Lil." He smiled sweetly.

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