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"What's happening?"

Everyone was screaming, and definitely running. Running with terror. I could still hear the approaching pods and I held tightly to Kayne's hand, fear gripping me heart and clenching my throat. Alexandrea knew who I was. She knew where we were. She knew we were all together. She knew entirely too much. And we were all most certainly screwed.

At least you won't die a virgin.

Good to know my morbid sense of humor was still intact, but this was so not the time for it to rear its inappropriate head. This was going to be the end. So many times I'd had that same thought only to come out on the other end of it, but not this time. This, surely, was it.

I chanced a glance back, all these people. All these people followed us this far only to all die together anyway. It was twisted. Alexandrea said she didn't have time to waste playing with me this time. I didn't know what that was supposed to mean, but I half wish that she would. What a coward she is just hiding behind all of her army. She's not even here to snuff out the last of the mere little weak race she thinks we are.

Kayne cuts us through the trees, trying to get us lost in there, but there was just too many of us. The cold ripped at my skin, feeling like it was flaying me alive. I hadn't even had time to buddle properly before running.

"They're close!" I hear Dani shriek from ahead of us.

I was slowing Kayne down. He was running with me, but everyone else was bolting ahead. They had a better chance. I was going to be the reason that Kayne, Jeremy, and Tommy die. None of them were willing to leave me behind.

"Go." I urged them. "Please, go, I'm holding you all back." I begged, tears burning my eyes. "Go!"

I knew before I tried that it was useless, but what kind of person would I be if I didn't at least try?

The darkness erupts into a violent flash of red.

Screams ring out all around and I can feel the heat from the flames without needing to turn around. They are really shooting to kill us. We'll be burned to ashes on this earth while those evil bastards will walk on, continuing this ugly cycle over and over.

Another flash and screams and I find myself on my stomach, blown down by the blast that lands just a view yards behind me. I can smell the burning earth and I choke on smoke as Kayne jerks me up from the ground, nearly dragging me behind him.

"This way!" He shouts to everyone to a thicker looking covering of trees. "Keep moving!"

My ankle is screaming, but I keep pushing my weight on it, knowing if I slow even for a second that it'll be my last mistake.

"I love you." I whisper as I run, my answer Kayne squeezing my hand tighter.

When I die, I want him to know that at least.

"Jeremy, I love you!" I shout. "And you Tommy!"

"Rowan, stop it!" Jer shouts back. "Just please run, faster!"

The buzzing gets louder and closer, they're right at our backs now.

"LEFT! LEFT!" Kayne screams.

Another blast lands just to the right of the group ahead of us, but not everyone heard his warning. I scream as the blast blows two of the Mundi traveling with us sideways and into a large tree trunk with a sickening snap. Another blast from the closest pod lands and my chest is shattering.

"Dani!" Matty screams, his wife falling hard, clipped by the last blast. I can see the red staining the snow and her cries echo around inside my brain. Dani twists in pain on the ground, her arm so badly wounded and Matty howls with no way to help his wife. "Dani, baby, no!"

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