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This is it, it's finally here. This all ends now.

Everything was taken from us, and we are finally making the last stand. Last stand for real humanity. I go into this night knowing that I may never see the light of day again. I'm scared as hell, but also ready. So much has led up to this moment. So many tears, fears, heartbreaks, losses...So much. Love has been found and lost, and beyond all of the odds that seem endlessly stacked against us, like the cockroaches we are, we've managed to stay alive and keep on trying. Tonight we end this, one way or another.

Saying goodbye to Jorah and Caspen was hard.

Looking around our little rescue bunker, you could see the worry etched into each and every one of the faces. Friends new and old. All here, struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

"It's going to work." Kayne squeezed my hand and then kissed the top of my head. "I promise."

"Don't promise." I said, turning to face him. "We don't make any promises but to try our best, ok?"

"Always the cynic." He smiled. I wondered how he was able to still actually smile at a moment like this. So much was hanging in the balance of a few well strung lies that essentially could just as easily be pulled down like the weak spider web that they were.

"I've been this way this long, I figure I might as well not stop now." I shrugged, watching the other Mundi hug Jorah and Caspen, wishing them luck. They'd need it, that was for sure. No matter how many times we'd run through possible scenarios, at the request of Kayne who just always had to be a know it all about everything, we still ran into issue after issue. Our plan has so many holes in it, it might as well be Swiss cheese.

So stupid that a tiny thought like that can make my stomach growl. I'm hungry, always these days, but I know if I ate, with all the nervous energy I'm currently compacted with, I'd end up throwing up and that won't do anyone any good.

I still know I'm the weakest link.

It freaking sucks balls too, because I want this to be successful.

I'd want to die if I'm the one who manages to fuck up. But if we're being honest, on a plan that requires a little speed and stealth, I'm definitely the one to be looking at to mess it up. Plus, it's cold. So freaking cold. Our journey will require way too much time outdoors.

When Kayne left my side to go say his own goodbyes, I stood back and mentally planned out what my life would be if we survive. First thing on the list would be move to somewhere warm. Any place really as long as it never snows. If I never see snow again, it would be too soon. Second, I want Kayne and Tommy and Jeremey to be with me too. I don't know what life looks like after the end of the world, but I know I want to face it with them.

I look around again though and decide I take back number two. I don't just want those three people. I want all of us. Each one of us here. The Mundi who came to our side, the other idiots who decided to climb Mount Denali, and Quint's family who have put everything they've got into helping us too. I want to see a future for us all...but still in Hawaii preferably.

"You're smiling." Tommy said, saddling up beside me and knocking into me with his hip bone. "Why?"

"I'm not allowed to smile?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

He grinned down at me. "Not without telling me why." He winked, then quickly made a face. "Unless it has to do with some kind of sexy times with alien bo-."

"Shut up!" I punched him in the arm, my cheeks heating up. "You don't talk to me about Kaylin and I won't talk to you about Kayne, got it?" I told him.

I caught the bashful little look in his eyes when I mention Kaylin. I'd been noting for a while that the two of them had been getting friendly. I hadn't wanted to ask him about it straight out though. Mostly because he was the type to over share. I got my confirmation though that there was in fact at least a little something brewing there.

"Deal," He nodded. "Now what are you smiling about?"

"Hawaii." I told him and he cackled.

He threw one lanky arm over my shoulder and I leaned into the familiar embrace. "You've never been very creative." He said. "I've been thinking more like Morocco, or maybe even Australia. Hawaii is too basic. Everyone always wants to go there."

"Australia could be could, but you know they have like freakishly large spiders, right?" I asked and his body stilled.

"Hawaii it is, see you there." He messes up my hair before moving back to go talk to Kaylin in the corner of the room.

The crowd around Jorah and Caspen finally dwindles enough for me to get through and I hugged her neck and shook his hand. "Thank you for doing this." I told them both.

"Child, without you we wouldn't even have this chance." Jorah smiled softly, the nicest thing she'd ever said to me.

"We know what to do." Caspen's voice was strong and able. "We have total faith in this plan and we will see you all soon. Mark my words on it."

"I hope your right." I told them.

"We are." Jorah nodded and then she followed Caspen up the ladder and the two disappeared above ground.

Quint came into the room with a large platter covered with peanut butter jelly sandwiches and my fear of eating was gone. There was no way I might die later without having one last PB&J. A girl has to have priorities in life.

I grabbed two and basically inhaled them while I looked around for Kayne. He was talking to KaRayna so I moved to sit with the other ladies by the small fire.

"Nervous?" Kate asked and I nodded hard.

"Very." I admitted. "But ready."

"We've only got a few hours to get everything ready and then get out of here." Tonya said around her sandwich. "Make sure you're all fueled up."

"Will you and the kids be ok?" I asked, reaching for some water.

Tonya nodded. "We will be just fine." She assured me. "The kids, Grams, and I will stay back with Dani and we will be waiting for your victories return."

I decided to latch onto some of her optimism. Being a cynic might be my thing, but I couldn't deny that spreading a little positive energy around couldn't hurt.

"I'm really glad we all found each other." I told everyone.

Kayne slid in beside me and leaned into my ear. "So am I." He whispered and we ate and drank in our last moments before the battle truly begins.

"You really think Jorah and Caspen can pull this off?" Jeremy asked.

With a rare real smile I nodded to him. "I really believe they will." 

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