False Introductions

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The winds blew hard that afternoon. A storm was approaching from the northern mountains and with it came a furious frozen wind. The city of Randstad was in its path. Randstad, the heart of the Ashua region, was bustling with life as merchants and peasants chanted and bickered about pricing on goods. Everything seemed normal.

Outside the city walls were the acres of farmland, cleared of snow but home to dozens of frostbitten plants. Tangurple casually strolled past the lands receiving the occasional glare or evil eye from the local farmers. He wasn't in his armor but he strutted like a soldier regardless, a natural thing he did simply because of who he was. The gates to the city were wide open as farmers, prospectors and even lumberjacks went to and fro with their horse-drawn carts.

Tangurple blended in with the crowd and entered the city. Inside the walls were sizable structures of wood and cobblestone. The roads were cobbled and hundreds of NPCs roamed the streets. Horse-drawn carts, loaded up with people and supplies, traveled up and down the roads as well. As he walked up and down the streets of the market district, he asked every vendor there about vampirism and if they knew of a cure or someone who would know. This brought attention to him, the kind he was not wanting.

Tangurple walked away from the bag merchant, again disappointed by the answer he received. He sighed heavily and shrugged his shoulders, ready to leave town and try Jonkas. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw city guards; men in chainmail armor with tabards displaying the house crest of the ruling family; a red background with a black lion stamped on the front.

Tangurple watched them as some merchants gestured towards him. Something bad was going on or about to occur. Hastily he equipped his armor and weaponry from his inventory. He was visibly exposed but at least now well armed and armored. It was mere seconds before the guards motioned for support and braced themselves.

Tangurple saw the crowd move away from him only to realize a pocket had been formed around him and the guards ahead. The usual fighting ring formed by people when fights break out in schools or public places. He unsheathed his sword and readied his fighting stance. The city guards, although plentiful in numbers, looked concerned. They were hesitant in action and merely responded to Tangurple's movements.

Tangurple noticed their lack of will to fight and called out. "What do you want?"

The captain of the guards, a male who wore a different suit of armor stepped forward. "Jarl Nickolai wishes to have a word with you, stranger. If you'll sheathe your weapon and follow me..." The captain's voice was firm and commanding however calm and understanding. His voice trailed off as he about-faced and began walking towards the Jarl's castle.

Tangurple eyed the guards who had nervously kept their swords out and decided to sheathe his. Upon doing so, the guards became relaxed and sheathed their weapons.

Inside the Jarl's castle, Tangurple was escorted to the throne by the captain himself. The Jarl was a middle-aged man with a long brown beard and equally as long hair. His clothes were vintage looking with worn out leather padding affixed to it. Nickolai pushed himself out of his carved wooden throne and greeted Tangurple. His voice was rough sounding, "So you're the one who's been asking about the vampires." Nickolai stepped down and approached him eyeing the armor he wore. "This armor, You wouldn't happen to be apart of them?"

"Apart of who?" Tangurple asked.

"The helm unto itself is Emporian no doubt. Yet you travel alone." the Jarl said, continuously studying the armor.

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