Pantheon's History

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Their journey north was by far not an easy one. The group faced numerous hazards even worse than the cold. Ranging from the snow demons that emerged from the snow drifts undetected to the massive spectral mammoths which angrily roamed the mountain range. The northern mountains that Syna claimed to be home to her cleansing shrine spanned a sizable chunk if not all of the northernmost part of the region. According to the map which was so gracefully provided by the game, the crude depiction of the landscape revealed several possible locations of the shrine. The first suspected site was the closest to Jonkas near the base of the mountains.

Tangurple held the lead with the group only a couple of feet behind him. The local mountain weather began to worsen the further in they traveled. Falcher struggled to keep up with his furious pace and fell back with the others.

Tangurple glanced over his shoulder after getting a brief sensation of loneliness. He called out to the silhouettes behind him, "Come on slowpokes, the weather will only get worse if we don't hurry."

Falcher yelled back, "Slow down Tang! Some of us are not used to snow travel."

Tangurple sighed and stopped walking forward, impatiently waiting for the group to catch up. As the group came into view, his peripherals became cluttered in flashing colors. The rapid fire of thousands of in-game textures belonging to a hundred or more in-game entities stacked and layered over his view, much like the time in the sewers. Tangurple keeled over covering his eyes with his hands trying to shut out the painful visual overstimulation.

Falcher, the first of the group to notice, kicked up his legs and rushed over to Tangurple's side. The moment he touched him, however, he too was blinded by the visual overstimulation and toppled over. He called out to the others, "Don't touch us!"

Dailin stood over the two fallen men curiously scratching the back of her neck. "What's the matter with you two?"

Tangurple replied, "I'm blind! I see a thousand colors at once and it hurts!"

"Don't touch us, it spreads by contact," Falcher added.

Night started to chant healing spells only to be stopped by Dailin mid-spell. "Don't waste your magic, it's not like they're dying."

Several minutes of groaning and cries of agony passed before they were willing to open their eyes. Falcher stood up first and turned to Dailin, "You don't want whatever that was."

Tangurple slowly pushed himself up into a sitting position and looked around. "Good God that was painful."

Creoft walked over and pulled Tangurple to his feet, "You able to see?"

Tangurple nodded. "Yeah, everything looks normal again. Why?"

"Just making sure, we had some issues with the visual stimulators in the earliest stages of development that were... epilepsy-inducing. I wonder if the third party hacker rebroke the code causing that to reoccur."

Falcher inquired a bit more, "wouldn't the glitch technically happen for us all?"

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