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I closed my eyes and held that pike as far forward as I could. Even in the state of low health, I still retained enough strength to fight. I charged at that creature but everything became a blur. I recall almost nothing after picking up Janik's pike. Janik... poor bastard died in the darkness of that hall. I feel like I joined him but even I remain unsure if that is the case. I can't feel anything. I am only my consciousness. I hear faint music, a gentle piano but I see nothing. There is no light but there is also no darkness. There is just nothingness.

My thoughts feel like I'm talking to myself or just to the unending void that is around me. I feel no pain but I also feel no life. The moment I realized I was still conscious, I began to actively think. Am I dead or simply suspended?

I see shapes...

I see silver shapes...

I see silver words instead of shapes...

I see my thoughts?

Am I journaling without my book in hand?

Where am I? What has become of me?

The music still echoes around me from no known source. I see only the words that I am thinking.

I feel numb...

I feel no pain...

I feel nothing...

I see nothing, smell nothing...

Is the afterlife nothing more than unaffected consciousness?

What is death?

What is now?


I see spots, blurs of color.

Light is beginning to seep into this void. It's creating light and darkness. I am beginning to see shapes of color. The silver words are fading away...

A faint familiar voice echoed around him. It was male but it didn't seem happy. Rather, it was filled with fear. Feeling, sensations began to return to Tangurple. A wave of pain washed over him, but he didn't flinch. The pain got strong, like a knife through the heart. Then a wave of pleasure and relief followed, whisking away the pain. He was left with just the feeling of normality. Muscle control returned to him but the input, his sight, his ability to hear sound didn't. At least at first.

He moved around, slowly and blindly. The sensations of touch were the first to return to him and as it did, the others came quickly rushing back. The first thing he saw was a gnoll, towering over him in a well-lit room. The gnoll was idle with its eyes closed. Tangurple spoke in a raspy voice, "I ain't dead yet."

Suddenly, Falcher hugged Tangurple tightly. "Damn you," he muttered.

Tangurple replied, "Can't damn a demon."

"Creoft!" Falcher cried out. "He lives!"

"Hallelujah... Holy shit man, I thought we lost another good man." Creoft commented.

"You can't kill me that easily."

"It seems that way."

Ember Wind: CorruptedWhere stories live. Discover now