Winged Beasts

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The next week and a half were spent gearing up and readying a large supply of health potions for the endurance battle. Elvici along with some higher level crafters plundered the wilderness for strong alchemical ingredients and enchantment runes, spending countless hours of flower and plant picking. Hagtard enlisted a few other blacksmiths to handle weapon and armor crafting, many of whom were specialists.

Tangurple spent a few days grinding away at XP levels, hunting unranked mobs. When the spree ended due to his armor being too low level, he reached level 70. He returned to the smithery and got outfitted for the armor. Some days later, he was given the armor he had long been waiting for. For the first time since this game launched, he wore armor that was not only matched in appearance but also contained set buffs.

Set buffs are effects attached to armor that boost certain stats and for Tangurple, he maxed out his physical and magical resistances. All of it was decorated to match a Roman Praetorian.

Creoft hammered away at the logistics of the upcoming raid wondering just how much was enough and what was too little. He worked alongside Elvici to get the right amount of potions with traits catered towards each person. However, he wasn't excluded from the gear updater. Many pieces of armor he wore was under leveled for him and was replaced with better stuff. His new look featured an almost ancient greek appearance, a style Hagtard was fond of since Creoft wasn't specific in how it looked.

Falcher was also upgraded and his outfit changed as well. From the conglomerate of a dozen different appearances to one unified look. Full leather painted steel grey with a partial snow bear pelt draped across the top of his helmet and down his neck. It's head and upper mouth hung over the front of the helmet acting like a brimmed cap. His rapiers changed to a more French look, a Tasaki style, according to the blacksmith.

Pyroholiday, however, was already caught up on his gear.

Then came Saturday, known as Urtayad in-game lore. Saturday was the day the three of them agreed upon to end this madness once and for all. That Saturday also happened to be Valentine's day.

Dawn came bringing with it hope and fear, love and hate, peace and turmoil. Tangurple was up early and already packed for the journey ahead. He knelt down in front of a makeshift cross, pieces of wooden planks he manipulated through the homestead furnishing system. He began to pray, mumbling hastily but without a single skip in his monologue with a being beyond the threshold.

The rest of the Guardian's Guildhall was relatively quiet. Falcher was the next to awaken. He exited his room and headed downstairs into the main lobby.

Creoft appeared a couple of minutes later, yawning frequently. "So..." Creoft yawned again, speaking in a very tired voice. "Where's Tang? Is he not up yet?"

"I didn't check. I would assume so but I haven't seen him since I've been up." Falcher replied. "I'll go check on him, the kid probably fell back asleep."

Falcher approached Tangurple's room and paused at the sound of whispering. He leaned against the door and listened in, using the gap between the door and frame to see him kneeling beside his makeshift cross.

Tangurple's weapons and helm laid beside him on the ground. He stared at the cross with intent as he continued his seemingly unending monologue. "...Just give me the strength I need to survive. I know this place to be a video game, one meant to be without consequence in the real world. I know there to be others who call to you for real problems but in here, this upcoming battle, this is my real problem because failure means I die. I'm not ready to die. I have still had much to do, much more to experience. Protect me and guide my sword so that we all may get one zone closer to being free from this digital prison, Amen."

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