The Council's Solution

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An hour had passed before any signal was received. A messenger from one of the roleplay guilds came high knee-ing through the tick swamp muck. He cried out, "Go now! The Meeting... It's begun!"

Tullus jumped down from his high rock and hit the ground with a muffled thud. "Attack!"

The crowd of two thousand players moved with haste wasting much of their stamina on sprinting through thick swamp muck. Roughly only a quarter mile away was the small hut where the meeting was only just beginning.

The interior was heavily darkened, a house item was blocking the window and the light. A timid young male held his flax hat close to his chest. "H-H-Hello?"

A black and red throne was pressed against the back wall and sitting on it was a woman dressed in black robe, decorated in blood-like crimson colored trails. Beside her stood two equally horrifying guards. She stood up and raised her arms towards the heavens, "You have cried out for justice and the Mother of Darkness has heard. Through your voice and will, the contract will be performed without fail. So say-ith the Mother. Do you have the payment?"

The young male nodded his head and very shakily dropped the sack of coin on the nearby table. "You-you-you'll k-k-keep this a secret?" he timidly asked.

"All requests for the Mother's wrath are hidden from those who'd want to know. Your plea for justice is quiet and no one else will know."

The young male nodded, "is there anything else I need to do?"

"The Mother has nothing else to ask of you. Keep your mind focused and your eyes sharp. She'll always listen for more requests."

The young male sighed with relief and started making his way towards the door. As he opened it, he saw a distant mob rapidly approaching the hut. "The Protectors are coming..." he mumbled under his breath. "Perfect, the messenger made it." he closed the door and turned around, quickly re-tuning himself to the fearful man. "Before I go, I have one more question."

The woman looked over her shoulder at him curiously. "Ask away, the Mother listens to all questions"

"Ar-Are you the Mother of Darkness?"

She nodded and grinned revealing her fangs. "I am her. Why do you ask?"

"Y-You-You seem like a mother. I've always wanted to meet you."

She cocked her head slightly making faint gestures to her guards.

The young man threw off his cloak revealing the red and gold trimmed robes of a Remnants of Rome soldier. "Because today is a good day to die."

Outside the hut, the armies came en masse and hastily encircled the tree which the small house was carved into. Creoft stepped forward and shouted, "Attention murderers, you are surrounded by two thousand soldiers..." his voice trailed off at the sound of cackling and maniacal laughter.

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