The Council's Problem

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Creoft stepped through the portal and reappeared in Uskor's subterranean room. The cavern was empty of guards. He took another look at Dailin's maul before putting it away in his inventory. He speed walked through the cave and out onto the surface.

The great city of Uskor was standing as vibrant as ever. People freely walked in and out of the city gates. The chanting voices of merchants echoed from within the city itself.

"Come here! Talrik's Furnishings has all the housing materials you need!" exclaimed one merchant as Creoft walked by.

"Need Potions or poisons? Win your next skirmish with Altruistic Victorians' stash!"

"We have everything from furniture to potions to provisioning recipes! Come complete your collection with the Anglish Traders Union!"

Creoft pushed through the crowds and towards Uskor Castle. Once at the steps he turned and walked to a small stone tower-like building with no walls and a brazier in the middle. This structure was widely known as a transit shrine. Creoft approached the transit shrine, thought of the Town of Initiations and touched it.

Empora was much quieter than expected. The massive town of Initiations was half the volume of Uskor with far fewer people. Even with five million people still around, the place felt empty. Creoft stepped off the transit shrine platform and looked around for the Council's meeting hall.

The houses and shops within the town of Initiations were very colorful and almost unique in every way; a creation that even Picasso would sing praises of. The tallest home was the Council's meeting hall and down the street, Creoft ran. He ran with haste and carelessness towards the meeting hall, pushing aside players and NPCs alike. 'Gotta make it, before sunset' he mumbled under his breath.

Creoft may have left the group early, but the travel time from the northern mountains to the portal and from the shrine to the meeting hall ate away most of the day. It was late in the afternoon when he entered the meeting hall. He pushed the doors in and slowed himself down to a political walk. He took several deep breaths as he made his way to the meeting room.

Inside the meeting room, the voices of the council members were loud and in the middle of a discussion. However, when Creoft pushed through the doors, everything fell silent.

The first man to speak up was Hagtard of the Firesmiths. "If it ain't the prodigal son of Dailin the Warlord, how're the northern winters beyond the portal?"

The other council members quickly followed suit in a cheer of Creoft's return.

"Welcome back to politics, Cro." A woman in purple stood up greeting him. She wore the Tabard of Mystical Entities, a well-known potion, and poison crafter and Enchanter guild.

Creoft waved back with a smile, "Good to see you again, Elvici."

Another woman greeted him as well, adorned in the tabard of Honest Homestead, a large furniture crafting guild. "The man in white stands again."

"Glad to see you're still kicking, Mimi" Creoft then took his seat among the council at the large circular table, crafted by Honest Homestead.

The head of the council stood up. An older male dressed in red and gold and pridefully wore the tabard of the famous Remnants of Rome, the game's strongest fighters guild. "So Creoft, what news do you bring us from the Northern lands? Is there anything of big value out there that would cause someone to slaughter our portal guards?"

Creoft stood up and crossed his arms, "No, Tullus. So far we've not yet discovered anything of major importance out there besides a rumor of a cure for vampirism."

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