Chapter 33- Voldemorts first feed

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Hermione blinks before smiling. She breaks from her mothers arms and runs tackling her father in a tight hug. 

Voldemort smiles and hugs his beloved daughter close. He frowns slightly before looking over at his love. He opens his other arm to her. 

"Come here love." Voldemort says. Bellatrix hugs Voldemort tightly and buries her face in his shoulder. 

"I was so worried." Bellatrix whispers with tears. Voldemort shushes her gently. "I know. But I'm ok." He says gently, before kissing her passionately. 

Bellatrix smiles and Voldemort gently wipes away a few of her tears. "How do you feel Daddy?" Hermione asks. 

"Different. Strong." Was Voldemorts answer. 

"I hate to break up this little moment tom. But you need to feed. If you don't you could hurt someone." Rendrago says. 

Voldemort looks over at his old friend. "Very well." He nods. Voldemort lets Bellatrix and Hermione up before quickly rising to his feet in a flash of speed.

"That will take some getting used to." Voldemort says making Hermione and her mother smile. 

"You look paler Daddy, and stronger, and your eyes have changed to." Hermione says. Voldemort frowns slightly. 

"But I like it, as long as your ok." Hermione adds making Voldemort smile. He hugs his daughter tightly making her grunt. Voldemort quicky lets go. 

"I'm sorry my dear." He says. Hermione nods. "It's ok daddy." She says. 

"After you have fed it would be wise to test your powers." Rendrago says.

Voldemort looks over at him. "Indeed." Voldemort responds before reaching up and grabbing his throat. "Yes. You need to feed." Rendrago muses. 

He walks out leaving Voldemort and the two women to follow. 

They follow Rendrago down to the dungeons where Voldemort selected a prisoner out of the many people who were there. 

"Let your instincts take over my old friend. Don't think, just feed." Rendrago says and Voldemort nods. 

As Voldemort stalks towards the young girl, he felt his new vampiric side start to take over. His senses became heightened and his new razor sharp fangs showed themselves. 

Voldemort could smell the blood resting just underneath the girls skin. 


That was all Voldemort could think about. He could hear the girls heart pounding faster and faster. 

The sound was driving him insane. 

The young girl screamed in terror as Voldemort ripped the cell door off its hinges, slamming it into the far wall. 

Hermione and Bellatrix watch with smiles at Voldemorts new strength. 

The young girl screams trying to scrambling away from Voldemort's eyes had now become fully black. 

Then in an instant Voldemort lunges at the girl, latching onto her throat. 

A strangled gurgled scream escapes the girl as she grasps at her throat trying to get Voldemort off her. 

But it was no use, for Voldemort began draining every ounce of blood from her body. 

Pleasure fills Voldemort as blood flows into his mouth. 

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