Chapter 1- Lord Voldemort

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AN: Hey Guys. So before you start reading please note that the spelling errors are a result of me not editing. Of course I plan to go back when the book is finished and fix them. Enjoy the book.

Hermione sighed as the train wizzed by the country side. 

"Hey Hermione are you ok?" Ron asks. 

"I'm fine!" Hermion snaps. In truth she was anything but fine. "Sheez sorry. I was just asking." Ron mumbles turning away. 

"Sorry Ron. I'm just worried about my father. He's sick." Hermione lies. Ron ohhs and nods. "Oh well." Ron mumbles. "Yea thanks." Hermione says rolling her eyes. 

Hermione sighs and turns away. Hermione granger was not a muggle born. She was not a mudblood. She was a pureblood. And the heir of slytherin. And her father was lord voldemort. 

Hermione had just found out a day before the school year ended, that her father had been found. Hermione couldn't stop worrying about him. 

"Herm calm down. I'm sure he'll be ok." Harry says. Hermione holds back a growl. "Ok harry. I'm going to take a nap." Hermione says turning away. And closes her eyes and falls into a soft sleep.

Hermione opens her eyes upon feeling harry shake her. She gets her trunk and walks off the train. Hermione walks over to her muggle parents. She holds back a groan. 

"Let's go." Mr. Granger grunts. The trio walks out as Lucius malfoy walks over. "I'm afraid Ms, Granger will be coming with me." He says. 

"She will do no such thing!" Ms. Granger shouts. "I'm afraid you have no choice." Lucius says wiping the muggles memories. 

"Thank you Uncle. I wasn't sure how much more I could take of them." Hermione says. Lucius laughs and nods. "Come. Your father is waiting for you at the manor." He says. Hermione nods and takes her uncles hand. Lucius apperates them to the great malfoy manor.

Hermione sets her trunk down upon arriving at malfoy manor. "Come. I will take you to your father." Lucius says. Hermione nods silently. Lucius leads her to the top floor. 

"Now. Before you go in I must warn you. Your father is not himself. He is weaker then he has ever been. You must keep your voice soft, for any loud noise could cause your father to go deaf. And his eyesight is very bad as well. You will need to be right next to him for him to see you." Lucius says. 

Hermione nods. Lucius opens the door for her. Hermione breaths deeply before walking in. The room inside was dimly lit. 

The only light coming from the fire, Which casted a giant shadow on the arm chair placed in front of it. A blanket hung off the sides of the chair. 

Hermione quietly makes her way over to the chair. She quietly kneels down as her ears pick up the sound of soft raspy breathing. 

Hermione gasps upon seeing the creature in the chair. 

It was about the size of a baby, but it could be no baby. It's arms were frail and weak and useless looking. The creatures nose was flat and snake like, with slits for nostrils. It's skin was wrinkled and rough. There were small scabs on the creatures arms, making it seem like it had been attacked. The creature breaths deeply, seemingly in pain. The creature turns it's head upon hearing hermiones gasps. 

Tears fill hermiones dark eyes. The creature smiles. 

"Hermione. My dear." Voldemort whispers. His voice was like rusted nails on a chalk board. It was raspy and rough as well as strained. 

Hermione stifles a cry. "H- Hi daddy." Hermione whispers. "My dear. Don't cry." Voldemort whispers. 

With his deformed hand he gently strokes hermiones wet cheek. Hermione leans into her beloved fathers hand. 

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