Chapter 57- Rendrago returns?

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It was a few days after the first time rip. 

Tom and Hermione had been working non stop to try and prepare for the spell and to say they were both exhausted was an understatement. 

Tom knew how much this was all affecting Hermione. How could it not with everything she had been through. 

Being ripped from her own timestream, watching her father potentially die, if Hermione wasn't taking this badly tom would have been more concerned. 

He knew that Hermione could use a break. 

Even if they didn't have the time. And it just so happened that the first hogsmeet trip was coming up. 

Tom had talked to the headmaster and convinced him to let Hermione go without a permission slip. 

Tom knew Hermione would like to go, if she could just let herself take a break. 

If the time itself hadn't been at stake, tom thought that this might have actually been fun. 

But of course that wasn't the case. 

Neither of them knew how long they had until time itself collapsed. But right now none of that mattered. 

Hermione needed a break. And she was going to take it wether she wanted to or not. And she really didn't want to. 

Tom practically had to drag Hermione to the carriages. 

But once they were inside Hermione gave in. She sat next to tom and stared out the window of the carriage. 

The two had been fortunate enough to get a carriage to themselves  

She had been quite. This worried tom. 

"Hermione?" Tom asks gently. 

 Hermione looks over at tom. "I know this is all a big mess. But it will be alright." Hermione sighs. 

"I hope so tom. I miss him. And mum and Draco and Ginny. I miss them all." Hermione lets a few tears slip. 

Tom is quick to wipe them away. 

"Hey. No. You'll see them again. And as for him." Tom sighs and pauses. 

"He's here Hermione. I may not be him yet but in a way I am. And I promise you. You'll see him again." 

Hermione gives a small nod and lets tom pull her to his chest. 

As tom held Hermione in his arms, tom felt happy. 

Holding his daughter in his arms, knowing that she was a peice of him. 

A peice of his soul. 

He could feel her heart against his chest. With every beat tom could feel himself getting more and more attached to Hermione. 

No matter what Hermione thought, he was her father. 

He would always be her father, no matter what age he was, or what time period she was in. 

Hermione was his daughter. And that would never change. Nothing would ever make him forget this moment. 

Not a forgetting spell, not a potion, nothing. Because this moment was one he would never forget. 

No matter what.

After the pair had arrived in hogsmeet, they walked around for a while before tom told Hermione he needed to pick up something. 

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