Chapter 61- A dream

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The screams of a frightened child filled the mannor as thunder and lightning shook the walls. It was nighttime, the moon casting shadowy warriors ready to attack the frightening child at the winds command. 

Scratching and screeching fills the bedroom as the cries continued. 

The room was dark. 

With only a candle illuminating the darkened child's bedroom. The crib was barely visible in the dark candle light and in that light was the face of a terrified one year old Hermione riddle. 

Tears tattooed the child's face as the thunder continues. 

Hermione was alone. 

No one was coming for her. 

The shadowy monster were coming to get her. 

Or so she thought. 

The door slides open with a bang making hermione cry out. Gripping her panther stuffy *fluffy* tightly, Hermione makes no restraint to hide her fear. 

Who was this man? 

Where was daddy? 

Where was mummy? 

She was so terrified of the shadowy figure that moved ever closer to her. With screams and shouts Hermione backs into the corner of her crip gripping fluffy ever tighter. 

With the grip she had on the toy, it was a good thing it wasn't alive. For if it had been, it soon wouldn't have been. Hermione screams once more as hands scoop her up. 

This was it. 

The monster had come for her. To take her from her family and away from daddy. 

"Shhh my princess. It's alright." 

Hermiones red puffy eyes widen in realization. It was daddy. He was here to save her from everything the dark had to throw at her. 

"Daddy!" Hermione chokes out sobbing. 

Voldemort shushes his daughter gently resting a comforting hand on her back whist simultaneously gently cupping the back of her head. 

"Scary shadows daddy. Want to hurt me!" Hermione cries gripping her knight in shining armor ever tighter. 

Voldemort couldn't keep the small chuckle from escaping his lips at this. "It is alright my princess. Daddy will make sure all the scary shadows know what happens when they mess with my princess." Voldemort softly whispers pressing a kiss to Hermiones crown. 

"Make go away daddy." Hermione whimpers. 

Voldemort smiles withdrawing his wand. 

With a simple lumos spell light fills the room. 

Hermione breaths a sigh of relief as the shadowing assassins retreat, their mission failed. 

"There now my princess. See, they cannot hurt you anymore." Hermione whimpers. "Stay daddy. Monsters come back." Voldemort smiles, resting himself in the rocking chair. 

"Whatever my princess wishes she shall get." Voldemort smiles making a teary smile come to Hermiones face. "Want mummy, daddy." Even though Hermione was a complete daddies girl, there were times when she could do a complete 180. 

And this was one of those times. 

Rising gently to his feet Voldemort swiftly makes the trip to his and Bellatrix's bedroom. 

Hermione burying her face in her fathers shoulder as the pass many more soldiers lying in wait scattered across the dark shadowy hallway. 

Bellatrix couldn't keep the knowing smile off her face as her husband walks in with their teary eyed daughter. 

"It's ok baby." Bellatrix coos retrieving Hermione from her fathers arms. 

"Scary shadows mummy. No like." 

Bellatrix hums gently rocking Hermione against her chest, while gently running her fingers through Hermiones brown locks. 

"You know your father and I would never let anything hurt you. Mummy will show those shadows her cruciatus curse. Would you like that baby?" 

Hermione sniffle and nods into her mother's chest. 

Bellatrix smiles and gives a laugh. 

She couldn't believe just how much Hermione took after both of them even at such a young age. And while it was true wizard babies matured far faster then muggle babies, Bellatrix was still shocked at how much Hermione was like them. 

"Better princess?" Voldemort asks rubbing hermiones back. 

Hermione whimpers softky and nods, her tears now almost a thing of the past. 

"No like boom daddy. Make go away." Hermione demands as thunder shakes the manor once more. Bellatrix laughs softly, sitting down on the bed. 

Voldemort is fluid in casting a silencing spell and Hermione hums in approval. 

"All better baby?" Bellatrix coos. 

Hermione nods fighting back the yawn that was trying to escape her. 

Seeing this both her parents laugh. 

"Tired princess?" Voldemort asks with a smile. 

Hermione purposefully shakes her head. She didn't want to go back to the room with the monsters in hiding. 

"Would you like to sleep with us baby?" Bellatrix asks seeing the fear in her daughters eyes. Hermione nods. 

"Only if mummy sing." Bellatrix laughs. 

Even at the young age of one Hermione knew how to manipulate people just as well as her father did. At times it could be frustrating when Hermione was using it to get something she wasn't supposed to, but in this instant it was alright, and even adorable.

"Alright baby." Bellatrix smiles before laying down on the bed and laying Hermione between her and Voldemort. 

Hermione lets out another yawn as Bellatrix begins to softly sing Hermiones favorite lullaby. Slowly Hermiones eyes start to close but she was fighting sleep. 

"Close your eyes my princess. Daddy is here. Mummy is here. Nothing will ever hurt you while we are here." 

Hermione smiles slightly and whispers "Daddy stay?" "Of corse my dear. Daddy will always protect you. No matter what." 

That is the last thing Hermione hears before the blissful blackness of sleep overcomes her and takes her away into the world of unknown.

Hermione riddle [Wattys 2019] [Dramione]Where stories live. Discover now