The Beginning

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Brothers and  Sisters  I The Author of this book Andreigh ,  Is a christian too I i'll admit  i have no   Communications and no Knowledge in God's word at First.  Im a Sinner  too just like you cause were not perfect.  At first  I  Smoke at early age  I steal money withour permission I fight  My parents   I  am fearless and always arguing with my classmates teachers and anyone that i met. 

But  Early in  March 21  2017  My life has changed  when I  got unto a religious  General  Organization called  "The Market Christian  Ministry " this ministry  is the one that changed my life   When i met  Bro. Leonell and  Bro. Dan they shared me the Gospel of Christ. at that time before  Entering unto that i was about to buy  E - Cigarettes  when suddenly a leaflets falls unto my feet  i picked it up and that's how i got into  TMSC Or  The Market  Ministry  I went unto the address  written in the  leaflets  and that's how my  Journey Began ... 

As I  start ...

I was  14 years old when i have written this  Book  to motivate everyone  especially to my christian brother and sister. Okay  Let's Start the Journey  Of The  Great  Journey to the light 

Hello  I'm  Andreigh  Delacruz  Sobelino  a 14 year old  Teenage from  Philippines yes im a pilipino proud to say  it's the only  Christian Country  in  Asia. as a christian at first in the age of  7  long before i serve god as a student  I know god at first i really dreamed to  serve him at the early age of seven  but  the time i reach the last  Of  My Elementary  Days   When i was  Grade 5  everything has changed i  turned on the wrong side. the side that which god  forbids to us christians and to all  others.  I became arognant  Agressive  Bad  Tempered and Hard headed.  I used to  Smoke at that time  I Always  argue with my family when i got  Low grades let's not say the lowest of the lowest grade of   C- but  my grades at that times is as poor as a mouse but luckily  i graduated from    Elementary  And now im  First year high school this time  My  Wickedness got  Extremely bad  everyone that  looks and talks  to me ignores and hates me because of my attitude i  got friends too a false friends a friend who takes me  to the most  Wrongly wrong side  in those days i enjoy being bad   Keeping up my bad works  making troubles  disbelieving my parents  stealing larger and larger amounts of money  hurting everyone and threathening  everybody whose against me    in those days   The  things that are in my mind is  The World has  A meaning of   Darknesss i dont care  to what the world has against me for the reason why i lived here is to  enjoy  life full of dark  yet i asked god too in those times to help me take down those who  Judge me including elders   

" I wish they'll die now or tomorrow  god !! "

" They are  Nothing !  they are too old ! god "

but everything that i have written is not just the end everytime i got a problem   a large and hard to solve problems I  blame god for that !  at first i think god makes earth for nothing  The world has no meaning  a world is just a dark  world  as i look  upon the night sky i  always remember how  the people i see threats each other oh i was so so so. uhmm sick in head  just look  why god isnt responding if there's  a crime if there's famine if there's  war if there's a conflict all around the world and if there's a religion called  Atheism  at those days   i called myself the most baddest.  Until One Night  when i  was  Vaping. vaping is just like smoking cigarettes  yes it's  in cigarette family too. my  Vape got broken and i can no longer use it  but to be thrown at the trash can and to be burned  on fire! it explodes when i throw it at the fireplace. so  I  saved  a finance for purchasing vape and wished to buy the  Expensive one so that it'll be longer lasting  but everytime  my parent especially my father  asks me to  spend the savings and give it up to them i'll shout at them and blame them that it is  My Property                                               

""My  Property  is My Property dont you dare to steal it !! " 

I  shouted angrily at them they walked away from me  but still they loved me.  but the problem was theyre against my works and my  Hobbies and everyday  Culture in life ... but i cant blame them so i blame god  i go to church yes ! at sunday and i went there only to give thanks for little and tiny things he gave me.   I feel bad to why he's doing it for me   he only gave me bad luck but when  it comes to my hobbies and personal  culture he always ignores me so i ignored him at times i get tired of doing anything  i feel sleepy at that time.  and  i lay down to my bed to  sleep and get some rest so that i can enjoy the tommorow of my life.  And that's the  Beginning of the begining of my ministry to him still im bad at this chapter. 

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