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My Brothers And Sisters In Christ  This Story happens Long after my doubt about Got existence fades away .

Thursday  Afternoon 12:00 PM 

 after Going to school  i got into TM  Brother Carlo Approached me and saying  How are you andreigh how's your walk with God ?  Then i answered yes it's okay then after that he gave me a form. it's a question for faith circle  it is all about building Discipleship for the Lord  and the first thing i notice on it is God's Intention to why he created the world ... i asked him what's all of this ? is this our topic ? carlo answered yes !  this must be a great topic  God created the man  because we are so special in his eyes and he gave us authority to rule all over the earth  and everything on it. i thanked God for that  and after the lesson  We pray to God In private  and thanked him for giving us the authority to rule all over the earth .. and after we pray i get unto the computer  here in TM and  i watched a video that is all about God's Creation. well it's in The Bible Project  it's a channel in youtube which illustrates God and Bible to encourage people to know him more so really God is powerful and heaven is so beautiful  and finally the  Book in the bible that iam longing! it's  GENESIS which means the Beginning ! wow so this is the illustration of how the world Began .

God really loves us brothers and sisters dont worry about everyday and tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself for Jesus says that.  always remeber  My brothers and sisters in Christ if you are suffering from Depressions Stress and Problems in life that is so difficult to think or solved always remember that  It  is God's intention to why we are here in earth  God is just testing Our faith and those Problems  will be our  Trainer for problems that God gives us  Strengthens us so dont be afraid NEVER GIVE UP as far as the lord never gives up on all of us !  God is always here for us to help and remember if you think to yourself  that you are unworthy in people's eyes always remember Your So Worthy of God's great Eyes!. let me asks you a Question a simple Question ?  who is more worthy ? The most highest person on earth or The Most highest  Maker creator and Powerful Owner of the world ? that's God right ? we'll brothers and sisters remember to where you belong. we may die here in earth cause we aren't permanent but always remember God is the source of Life and Power.

and  when you pray RESPECT  God because youre not just talking to your Friends your Father  Your Mother Your Children Your  Teacher Your Boss Your Master , but remember you are talking to the  KINGS OF KINGS  GOD OF KNOWLEDGE GOD OF JUSTICE GOD OF STRENGTH AND POWER  it is so easy to talk to God but why still some people doesnt believed in God ? Is it because he doesnt show himself ?  Hypocrite are they  for  Our Lord  Is  right " An Adulterous Generation Looking for a sign but they couldnt find it "  as it is saided in Matthew 16. we'll  God knows the best more than our Best just remember too that  we must sticked close to God for he has Greater plans for us.  he works in ways we cannot see  we must believed and not doubt for he is too good.. to be true God is the best. 


                                                        " ALL ABOUT GOD'S PLAN "

Day Later I was at home it's saturday i am resting at home lying on my bed reading bible. after  that i got up  and went outside for a walk in the nature . i looked up in the  heaven  i see how beautiful God's creation was the birds that fly the  animals eating grasses in the fields and everything else    i talked to God when i got home  and thanked everything For the things he made and it's so good in my eyes and in his eyes God truly loves me  im sorry for the past things i have saided to God for  i think so low to myself and unworthy let's say.  


                                              " Ambassador's For Christ ! " 

when we say Ambassadors it means a person that encourages or motivates another to have a thing or favor  about  their will  we'll Brothers and Sisters for i tell you  That in all of your  Life you have forgotten something  that God Assigned you to be His messenger to the lost world look at the world nowadays theyre ignoring God so It's time for God to use YOU  and be ready for your Mission  

Plot :

It's Already 3 pm i got unto  The Lift up  In church   well our topic at that time is all about serving God as his ambassadors  for we are the ones  God has choosen to be his messenger to the people  yes that's all true ! dont you say im joking this is serious   said  Brother  Gauis our Pastor i dont know his name maybe his brother Gauis because i newly met him  we are the ones god gives Authority to share the Good News and to Start the Ministry  this encourages me to share  The Gospel and The Good news to my friends family classmates and the people i newly know as a part of being an ambassador  i feel so lucky while listening to him  whoever that pastor was .. i forgot his name  i feel lucky too when i got home that God chooses me to be his  Ambassadors to the lost world and i will be like  Paul peter and john.  so my Goals this week is To serve And let the People Knows God More  Truly 

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