The Greatest 10 Laws For Everyday Life Guide !

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Monday Morning  i was at home doing  nothing after devotioning to God . I used to watched TV  in 7 am    when  i turn  the television at channel 70  It's church channel !. Right  that time the movie called 10 commandments is showing  it's the story of exodus, on how moses escape through egypt by the help of god's mighty hands  through the land of King Ramses     as they reached mount Sinai  god led moses to the top of it  and gods asks moses to grabbed 2 stone tablets  and  put them  in the  place god would tell After that i  realized  that 10 commandments isnt a movie about our lord Jesus Christ it's about moses and the israelites escaping through egypt at first that makes me think jesus doesnt exist in this movie.  After that When moses place the 2 stone tablets god writes something on it using his fingers of fire !  And thats the   creation of the 10  laws of god !   And as it says in the stone  :

1. Worship the lord your God 
2. No worshipping other gods nor idols
3. You shall not put the name of Lord God In vain
4. Remember the Sabbath Day Holy
5. Honour your Mother and Father
6. You shall commit adultery
7. You shall murder
8. You shall not  covet goods !
9.You shall not steal
10.  You shall not Lie !

After hearing that i realize that  that's the true meaning of god's commandments  the law that shall be fullfilled if you want to be saved ! And that's make me think of  biblical verse Those who walks HONESTLY walks SECURELY
It can be found at proverbs and as we can see  every verses and events in bible are connected to each other. That's another proof that Our Bible  is a guide and armor of our lives! Not just an armor but a healer of depression and anxiety. Truly god's word are powerful you can almost feel it like it can  get through your heart. More inspirational than  anything else  even the greatest  thinker of all time.

Meanwhile i was walking at the school  when i met the  the students who bullied me  they tried to have fun out of me   i will attempt to take a fight but i remember that who can wtand against me if god is with  me. So i let god in charge of them cause god is the only one that can judge . When i judge i will be judge too. No ones perfect as it says and i believed on it. From one man to all Nations Sins  spreaded and death  comes through earth once i passed them off i prayed for them at home saying 

" My God to whom who judges me i will put them to your hands. you 'll be in charge of  them  cause     i cant judge them without your permission so  the decision shall be in your hands o lord amen "

Brothers and Sisters i dont saying im perfect but just do what ive do  if someone is angry with you just stop  arguing or fighting with them just tell god what 's happening and he will figt for you just like what david did to goliath he fight with the name of the lord


It's Friday Vacation i am alone in the house my parents is at the Other  City along with my grandma for theyre having grocery i dont go with them cause iwanna be alone this time.

I go to the living Room opened my Computer Surf to Internet again and chat to my friends at  that time the radio was opened i heard that there's a topic that is all about religion not christian nor Islam nor hinduism but  "SATANISM "

Those are the people that is knowing Satan or Lucifer as a God  they believed in Idols too . What a great Sin they commit this is against the first law of god

1. Worship the lord your god .

That law is against there religion ! Satan could never ever be a God cause he's weak!

Did you know too that Satanis, is the most hated religion in the world.

Look your worshipping satan at their your worshpping Black Darkness Instead of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Poor Blind people doesnt know where theyre  they let satan deceived them look what foolishness they commit!

Worship the lord your god only serve him   he is the powerful one.

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