How Great is our God

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There are so many ways to express God's Greatness and Power he Dones alot of miracles and he works in ways we cannot see cause he is the best Living Creator ...

While i was at TM at meantime i join Bro Leonell's Group at Devotioning after reading bible i wonder why even if i come first still theyre better than me in explaining  The Bible i got jealous of them   and start complaining to God about Myself to why to all the people he have given knowledge why he isnt gave me ? I dont know to God  i start crying while Writing Biblical Verse   i locked myself at  the Comfort Room and Start  being Mad at God  

why did God forsake me ?  What's wrong with God?   I cried so hard but without sounds  so  after i cry i went inside the Ministry get my bag and walks away without permission  to them  it's not just this  day  everyday God is putting me in Danger  yes i served  God and Loved God for Months after i met him but still he doesnt loved me back so when i got home i take a nap and  because i am too tired i wake up early in the morning it 's 7 :30 PM when i got home from the Ministry   early in the morning i take a cup of cofee open my  Pc  and surf to net  until i see a group called  Atheism beings   i got interested on it because i love science ! But it's religion  how could science be a  religion ?  Until i see what was written onto their cover that says  In the Beginning Man created God the Opposite of God created man ! What 's wrong with these people  ?they dont believed God exist. I tried  to loomed in the wikipedia what is atheism beings ? Then i got doubt  when i sed they re  religion of science they  dont believed in Demons they dont believed in God angels and every  heavenly Things   yes there sayings are true life begins when fertilization happens and develops into a life or a baby  and they believed that DNA is Life if this is it ? Then what's the meaning of life ? Where does our morals come from ? God isnt true but science is true ? How did these happens science science science oh my God  these people are i dont know hehehe but there theory  confused me that it's all true  but the God doesnt show some things here in present i mean miraculous  things   oh that makes me think that who  am i serving .           is God dead ? Did he died on cross ? Oh so then ?  What the  matter of Christianity ? If God doesnt exist ?  Well this kinda frustrate me so i stopped reading bible  this time   and began to think like that    I cant ask my fellow christian cause im afraid of them to ask?  So everyday i pray to God this isnt true this wasnt be true ?

Until he weekend  passed. Monday  morning  i went to the ministry  and asks  bro carlo  why God  doesnt gives me knowledge that i may used to serve him ?  And why God gives me the opposite of evething i ask to him he answered  there's a reason for everything maybe he has a great plan for you andreigh carlo replied me smiling . 

We'll really is that true ? I say to myself does God really Exist ?  Well okay but still i asked  carlo to talk to me in private  and tell him the reality if God really exist and if teally he's helping me or am i the only one who helped my self ? But not God 

But for him it is so easy to answer 

 God exist yes  whose author shall  published a  66 and a million or Trillion words ?  In the past  Ancient times  why  youre here serving him ?  Why you are praying To him even though  you doubt that he isnt real  i loved god i answered him    then he said  to me to read the Chapter 6 of matthew where jesus saided an adulterous and evil generation looking for a sign from  heaven but they didnt sees it .  You of little faith ? 

I was astonished by that words  this is the proof God exists really   then i asked and turn back saying why did he didnt answered my  prayer for he gives me only trials and pronlems in life

Then he saided  God  is just testing your faith and you  saided to me last sunday that  youre faith  is strong  and if you can say it is strong can you do it in person ?  For Gpd is just testing how far your faith can be  or to prove your faith to him is so strong 

So i apologized to God at that time on 

Then  prayed to him for the Grades i shall get from school  cause still   i was worrying because  i dont know if my grades is low or high  cause im not a regular student    im in open highschool   and it is different from Regular  so i prayed and prayed every night to God to  help me  about it  for God knows that he's child is in time of worriedness in serving him and my worrying about my grades may lead me to something wrong i went to school in friday to get my report card  my teacher approached me smiling and he greeted me happily and gives me the card and i got shocked with happiness that my grades is higher than what i expect i became honor in class  wow GoD really works   in a way we cannot see   so my Doubt to God finally Gets away  for he already gives me knowledge at first  and the only thing i need to improve at Bible devotion is to  read it with Heart and take it seriously 

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