" Drama In The Bible " (The Last Season )

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The One Time Later .... 

it's afternoon already  i am at  The Market Student Center when Kuya Nell asks me  when i asks him about my complain in  Devotion that i didnt have the Full  Version of bible with  Old Testament so he asks me if i want a bible with Old testament actually i only own a New Testament Bible without the Old One so he asks me to go with him in his Office  then he opened the  cabinet  and gives me a bible a small medium  sized. I looked at it and i first see  The Intro of it Called " Drama In the Bible"  it begins in the Old Testament to the New , by the way what does it mean to be Drama in The Bible ?  i am Already  Spiritually Ready because of the people who helped me grow in Christ i am  weak if not because of them i am not developed if not because of them theyre the one who leads me to Christ! thanks to my fellow christians!. 

                                                   " Drama In the Bible " 

The Drama In the bible begins in the Old testament where  It begins in a Book called The Genesis where it talks about the Beginning of The creation of the world where God shape the world the world is all dark  and he makes sun to let it shine on the earth he created trees , animals those living in waters  and Land and in Air he created them then He created the First Man until they have sinned and got deceived by the devil  again after that God plans to have flooded the earth  then he asks Noah to build an Ark and filled it with animals and all the generations From Abraham when he sacrifices abraham to God when God tests him but God Prevents Abraham from doing that cause God is Just  Testing him Until the  Birth of Joseph  when he was young he has been selled by his brothers until with   the help of God  he could explain The meaning of The dream of the pharaoh until pharaoh  gave him the authority to be the Governor of the land. and as soon as he was the Governor  Egypt is  So powerful and  Full of Foods in time  of Hunger in his Reigning time  then his brother and Father knew that there were food in the egypt so they got in there  then  Joseph revealed himself to his family and they lived together after his  brothers apologizes to him then  they lived and died in egypt ... Next to it is the   Exodus  it is the Story of  Moses and the meaning of Exodus  is Exit or Depart as moses leads the israelites departing from egypt due to abuse of the Egyptian Pharaoh name Ramses ii  Next to Exodus long after theyve got away from Egypt is Leviticus it is where the  Laws of The Levites proclaimed  and the laws of God has been announced to the people and the Beginning   of Israel as a nation. Next to it is Numbers it means that  It is the times People of the israel  Disobeys  God's Laws and Commandments so they  Stayed in the desert for more than 40 years until the First Generation of when they Depart from egypt Have died  then Next to It is The Deutronomy. The English title "Deuteronomy" is from : Δευτερονόμιον, Deuteronómion, meaning "second law"  it is where it  Recounts how Israelites wander in the Desert for Forty Years because of their Disobedience  if only they didnt Disobey they may reache israel Easily but they are no longer reached the Promised Land  only the sons of their Sons is the one who Luckily reached the promised land and Lived on it for years  and that is The beginning of The  Israel's Establishment as a Country  

Next to It is Joshua   we'll long after Moses Died Joshua  leads the israelits replacing moses. he was a brave young warrior  he fought many battles with the Tribes of the land flowing with milk and Honey  before they reached israel there most known battle is the battle in Jericho were they shouted and paraded in the  Feet  city walls until on the seventh day the wall falls down and they attacked the city with the help of God and Until they finally stepped happily unto the Land of  Flowing Honey and Milk  That is Israel  after that is the book of Judges it's after the  The Israelites finally been in the promised land. then as it is saided in the Judges there's an israelite  a strong israelite no one can defeat he has long hair and he's a man a strong man. and he has his beloved wife named Delilah but one day Delilah knew that  Samson's strength  was by the length of his hair  he cuts it shortly then the  people  tied him in chains by two pillars on each side of him,  but little did  Samson knows that  he cant take up and break the chains unlike those days when his hair are long  then the pillars falldown and he Died. Long after The Book of Judges is   The Book of Ruth  after the Book of Ruth is the book of 1 samuel  the prohet where it tells the story of the sheperd boy name David when he Defeat Goliath the Giant warrior and when he becomes king next to it is 2 Samuel where it tells how David the king rules israel. the next book is 1 kings and 2 kings it is all about the story of King solomon  the most richest man in the bible the next one is 1 Chronicles and the 2 Chronicles after that is ezra Nehemiah  And the story of esther and the story of a man That God tested his Faith by bringing so much destruction as it is asked by the devil it is the book of JOB  next to JOB are  the 4 Books of Poetry and sayings it has songs too they re  psalms, proverbs ,ecclesiastes, song of songs ,  and after the book of the poetries is the book of the prophet isaiah it is the book of the prophecy  and next to it is the story and life of Prophet jeremiah  Then Lamentaions Book  and Ezekiel is the next, after all of these books are written now in Time of Daniel the prophet, israelites  became Captive in  Babylon where it is the time of King Nebuchanezzar  and as the years fled into centuries israel is still captive when  The book of Hosea, Joel, Amos Obadiah  and Prophet Jonah  Until the book  of micah, nahum, habakkuk ,zephaniah, haggai ,and zechariah ,and the last one is Malachi, malachi is the last part of the book of Old testament 

Next to it  is The Book of  New Testament   Where the Beginning  of the First  5 major books is called Gospel ,   IT is matthew mark luke john and the acts of the apostles,   in these days of Jesus israel is now a country but it is at the time of Roman Empire's Occupation at Asia,     then after that the teachings of Paul who is Saul before,  Yes ! saul is a Christian killer at first and he is the one who  killed Esteban as he ordered the people to  destroy those who followed jesus christ  but now whie   going to the damascus Jesus our lord showed himself then saul repented and now on he is going to be called paul and did you know that Paul is the One who published most of the books in the bible which is  1 Corinthians 2 corinthians, Galatians , Epehsians, PHILIPPIANS , Colossians , 1 Thessalonians  2 Thessalonians, and the rest is made  of  the Apostles  who are  Peter  John and the others who lived with Christ  the books theyve made are 1 timothy 2 timothy titus philemon hebrews  James 1 Peter 2 Peter 1 John 2 John 3 John,  Jude,  Revelation, . 

                                                    " The Revelation  " 

The Revelation  or the book of revelation is the book written by John  John is the last  One who writes these were he is telling the prophecy of what will happen to US  what i mean is US in our generation  the  BOOK OF REVELATION TELLS WHAT WILL HAPPEN   TO US IN THE DAY OF THE 2ND COMING OF THE LORD AND  THE BOOK OF REVELATIONS IS NOT YET BEEN FULLFILLED IT MAYBE LATER TOMORROW OR  IN ANOTHER YEARS FOR GOD DOESNT GIVE A SIGN OF 2ND COMING MAYBE THIS IS THE DAY ! .. 

AND  So the  Drama of the bible ends here where  it begins in the creation to the exodus of israelites and to the captives of babylon up to the story of Jesus until the  Acts and works of all the apostles along with paul 

And so this is How it works thanks for all who reads this Book  and  I the author of book thanked you and specially those who reads my book it is a very great honour for me that  you read my book and hope you learned a life lessons and may God bless you Every day  in life and that it Thank God Bless and please Follow GOD HE HAS GREAT PLANS FOR YOU ! 

Sincerely The Author of This Book 


                               Author of My Life As A  Christian Based on True Story . 

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