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Brothers and sisters here i am Andreigh telling you my Journey to the light this is the After the beginning of the book In This Part you shall  knew how god works and guides you everyday. This is based on true events that happens  in my days as an arrognant man before being a kind hearted person ... 

As a Kid Growing up in a christian family....

My grandma is a missionary too At  CEF Handmaids of the lord. Sometimes when i am doing Nothing i used to read Bible but it is just like i am reading a children's favourite story  at first whenever i watched biblical movies like David and Goliath and Passions of christ i always thought theyre just for kids and im too adult to watched them so i'll just turn the TV off  go into my room and pray to the lord for guidance in my everyday  Life.

At first i didnt care too much about the importance of bible   i know bible at first as children's   story.

In The following day  while im at home  lying in my own bed doing nothing  i went to my closet and open my piggy bank i got shocked it's now full i can buy 2 or more Vapes by these  i think    so i quickly take a bath  ride a jeep and went through the  Mall  while im walking upstairs a leaflets fall unto my  Feet thinking it is a money but what i see is just an advertisment post of  "The Market Student Ministry " a place where kids like me meets and learn the truth about god and serve him nor worship him  so  i look up  at  the sky and i finally remember my dream when i was young i got confused at that moment that in the past days and years i  always blame god for what he has done terribly wrong so i went    to that Ministry  once i reached the small black gate i see a stairs going unto the entrance of the ministry then a poster approached me and cauht my attention as it says ...


I got interested in that so   i went inside i was shock  the room was so beautiful  full of instruments  Computers books and bible. There bro  Leonell  greets me  then Bro Dan the younger one whose assistant leader let me have  a simple paper and we seat down. And  he prays for me  then to what i see in that paper that he gives me is a Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. And he shares me the gospel of christ. This is how he shared me the gospel....

First pray to the lord before ztarting a gospel sharing then he tells me that jesus really died for our sins then  he let me confess my sins but i got worried  cause  it will only put me to shame    so i tell everything to him but in that time  i think to myself that god will never forgived me to all that ive done in my life and for blaming him sometimes  i asked him if god would really forgives me then bro. Dan  Informs me that our Lord god 's Mercy is bigger than any of my mistakes it can be seen in bible cause thats a verse in bible so  i  now realize the truth i am glad the lord will forgive me cause he is slow to anger he's name is great and his heart is kind so   After that I accept jesus our lord as my personal saviour   in my hear soul strength and mind.  Once i got out  i forgot to buy vape  and instead of going to the mall i  just went home and give the money to my parents cause that is what god wants me to do. So  i gave all of them with no spending  some of it for nothing  my  mother smiled at me and i smiled at him  at that night  i talked to my mom outside the  house at yard and asks for forgiveness  to what ive done  and i promise to her  that i will never be the same as before nowadays i will replace the new Andreigh after  Accepting God  I will serve god i  will do whatever he asks me for me  Cause if God is  With me  Nothing can  Stand against me  as this is written in bible  Romans 8:31  that verse keeps all day long in my mind when i got into a serious trouble  

2nd  Day ...

Building Reputation with GOD ...

Early  After school  It's 12:00 PM i went through my mother's place in the market selling veggies and groceries  i  lay down on a small  swingbed. after taking rest  i got up and  my mom let me order food from the nearby carinderia or a small  "Filipino Restaurant "  after i eat i say good bye to mom packed up my bag and get up and went through  TMSC. 

At very first day there i  got nervous because the people i met in here is too much different from the people i see in school and in the streets where i used to play   the people there is so much kind and know how to reswpect each other at first i always keep quiett all day long but ive stay there for more than 4 hours too much longer than my school times !. when bro. dan gives me a series paper called  Welcome series  he asks me to   Brought it home and recite all the verses and answered the following question cause that series would help me get to know god more !  so i put it in my bag. after that   i walked and venture the inside and keep looking on the walls of it there    the walls hast alot of posters an inspirational bible verses and quotations  plus  The testimony  I read every testimony that is on the walls  after reading it i realize that some of them is just the same with me before meeting god like brother dan  he is called " Little  Bully " when he was at young age   Just like me i always been bullied by my classmates and that causes me to be arrognant i think we'll it's too bad when i went home i opened my computer and start to  watch people's testimony to the lord. it seems like serving god at first takes alot of trials  before you became like  Bro.  Dan and  Bro.  Nell 

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