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Brothers and Sisters this message is to all of you ! The time has Come repent for the forgibeness of our sins here i am andreigh telling you everything that i see ! The world is Changing now instead of worshipping god they mock him ! Tease him and put the gospel in vain ! This must be stop or they will be in danger of hell fire


One morning i was drinking Coffee watching my favourite biblical movie about David and goliath i was amazed david has a great strong faith i was astonished by that faith you see if we believe in God nothing impossible can be possible but now lets look at our time ! after watching the movie i opened my PC Start surfing to internet. i was about 2 months serving god long after i changed. But this time i what ive see in facebook is very much inappropriate i see people mocking god telling lies against the lord having fun out of the lord making lies against god's and most of all they dont actually believe in god now. that is what ive see in the world i am living with sometimes they compare GOD, ROMANCE, MONEY, And SEX whenever i see those i quick scrolling my muse nor logging out of social media, specially in the malls instead of Christmas they write happy holiday which means To enjoy an occasion ! They re blind people people without Knowledge while im riding on a jeep i look at it's windows everytime.

I see that the posters nowadays ive seen in the streets talks about curfew and drugs i hear children talking about drugs and alcohol at young age of 7 below smoking at early age and drinking at early age ! This must be stop ! I went home now from the mall buying foods for lunch i prayed to god and tell him what is happening i prayed for them and for the terrorist Victim in Marawi an Islamic region in the philippines endemic with terrorism and violence i hope god guides and take good care of them

Well brother and sister. bible is right we humans cant serve 2 masters he will loved one and hate the other one we cant serve both God and Money they shall hate god and they shall love money but i am telling you my brothers and sisters money is just a treasure an easy to get treasure on earth. Talking about earth earth isnt our home for god just create it and put us on it to live for a moments only after that we will die too. It is better to have your money be thrown to fire rather than to keep it up inside a chest nor give it to a poor and needy atleast you helped god by that way of serving. serving people is serving god too cause our body is just a temple of god we must keep it clean and healthy for our soul to reside in ?. What's the importance of body when we all died cause of our sins. money money money how long would you turn people in your palm ? It is better not to print you for you are the Cause of all famines and wars here on earth. God was right only trust him only serve him through faith if this is your problem brothers and sisters only trust God for he knows what is right follow his path and i will make sure no walls can block you down! for there is nothing imposible with god. but now money fame power and pride prevents people from communicating with god. and causes alot of trouble in history eversince the beginning Poor ! are those who disbelieved god and bible!. blessed are those who follow and practiced it everyday.

Remember This Brothers and Sisters :

Money fame and Power are just a treasure of earth. And this verse proves that it's true as it is saided by the lord Jesus christ


-----------John 12:25

this is what will happen if you keep loving your treasures!. you will loose it you will be underestimated you will be putted down on the lowest of the lowest . But those who will loose it and abandoned it on amidst of nothingness will have it forever and ever eternally without an end, their treasures will never be stealed by anyone unlike treasures on earth !. that can be easily stealed by bare hands of the thief !.

And this verse proves it too ! .

Matthew 6:21 - for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Be Inspired Be Involved Be with God. Only Serve only love That's how easy

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