Chapter Three

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By October of 1924, it was time to take the cattle home, as there was snow on the ground. Andy reported to you that it had already snowed four inches. But they got the last of the cattle rounded up and was home to stay for the winter.

Despite this, work wasn't over for Andy, and he quickly found himself another odd job: roadwork. You seemed impressed by this, but resorted to your typical teasing to express it.

Sunday 26, 1924


Dear Andy,

I should write hard working man now. I can't imagine you doing anything that's hard but road work sounds hard and tough. It didn't take you very long to get to work did it? Getting real ambitious now that you know Esther likes that kind. Just keep it up and I'll put in a good word for you. It wouldn't take much to make you happy I know judging from your letter. Wild, lonesome country, no one around but yourself then you're happy. Now I don't wonder why you took that work in the mountains. I suppose that (ex circus) lady I was telling you about, looses out since you went home. Maybe you could find her a place in Mokelumne Hill, you seem to know so much of everybody there.

I'm writing this in a hurry now, so will make it short, but I have nothing on you.

Every time I open your letter I expect to find a nice long one, but I always get fooled. Maybe you write to so many girls you get writer's cramp when it comes to me. Write to me first next time Andy and let me hear how you make out with the road work.

As ever,



I have no idea who Ester is, let alone the ex-circus lady. You two have a myriad of inside jokes that will never be explained to me. I lose sleep over this. Who is the ex-circus lady, Gen?


Mokelumne Hill

Oct. 29, 1924

Dear Genevieve,

I'm not so popular as you are Gen getting so many letters. Your letters are the only ones I get and you're the only sweet little girl that I write too.

So you get fooled ever time you open my letters. Well I don't know just what to write to make a long letter. All my pen wants to write is I love you. Now I know you will only laugh when I tell you that. And you know you shouldn't laugh to much because you get to fat. And I know you want to be fat.

You sure like to kid me about that (ex circus) lady as you call her. Don't you Gen? But you can't I'm getting to old to be kidded.

Well, I didn't work on the road to day as it was raining to hard. So I took a ride out to the ranch on Jimmy to feed the cattle and got a good soaking.

Now if you will excuse this poor writing I will say good-bye for this time little sweet-heart.

Hoping to hear from you soon.

Yours as ever,



You didn't quite believe Andy at first, and I don't think I would have either; I'm a hopeless romantic, but I get suspicious when people say 'I love you' too fast. As I read these letters, I sigh at the thought, but should it occur in reality...the magic is gone and practicality steps in. I've seen how terribly love can go, so I suppose I view it as a rarity in daily life. Love is for fairytales and nothing more.

Dear Gen: A love letterWhere stories live. Discover now