Two in one day why aren't you lucky
I stare blankly out my foggy windows, which are being pounded my rain. Water pours down like someone had opened a tap above us and left it on.
Torrential rain had been forecasted for this area, and for once the weather caster speaks the truth. Days have past, and the rain doesn't ease.
Wind whistles through the downpour, sending trees and their branches crashing to the sodden earth. Dark clouds loom overhead, as we anticipate the comings of more rain.
The lights flicker, and quickly we are plunged into a dark room, only the light that had filtered through blue clouds was all that could guide us.
Drip...drip... a leak, springing into the open room. We briskly position a bucket underneath it, and we armed ourselves with more, in case another were to appear.
A cool draft wafted in from the cool outside, as we shiver without heat. I take a blanket off my ready made bed and pull it around me, our family pet attempting to join me under it.
We began to bring out candles, ready to light when the sun sinks beyond the horizon that we cannot view at this very moment.
I take out my phone, it's illuminated screen lighting up my face. I have little charge left, and with no electricity I am forbidden to charge. I switch it off, setting out on the coffee table.
The worst part about this endeavour, is being unable to access food (since the cold air must be kept inside the refrigerator at all times), and the internet.
For crying out loud, I am unable to post pictures of the terrible fate that has become of me, or be able to view the tragic times my friends must endure.
But, here I sit, in the silence, listening to the rain splash against my roof.
How to Over Describe Random Sentences
Random#380 hashtag - 21/8/18 -- The name says it all. Just a random book with random sentences. That are so over described, It's almost cringe. Comment any random topics I could over describe. And vote so that others could see this random book. :D Ps...I...