Chapter 32: Shameful

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Chapter may contain highly offensive and graphic content to some!
Viewer discretion is advised!
Pairing: Nowaki x Hiroki
Hiroki's pov.:

I sigh to myself as I make my way through the maze of houses. The sun is already setting behind the cluster of buildings, making the streets dark. I truly hated winter.

-"Ugh, stupid Yoh. If he wouldn't have called in "sick", I'd already be home, nice and warm. Instead, I'm outside rummaging through this damn snow."

My mind wandered off, trailing into almost unwanted territory. Almost unwanted.

"I'll so get a cold from this, no doubt. And I'll have to stay home with Nowaki while he has his medical study break. Ugh, honestly, who comes up with the idea of giving students 2 weeks of break in the middle of exams??"

As I grumbled to myself over my oncoming fate, my mind continued its adventures without my permission.
I got the image of Nowaki sitting next to me on the bed, hot cup of soup in hand, smiling that almost idiotic grin of his. I grumbled once more.

Then, the image started shifting, changing shape. Suddenly, the nice, innocent image of a smiling Nowaki became that of something completely else. I saw Nowaki, topless, pantless, making that very soup in the kitchen. He wore a dirty grimace on his face, staring right at me. I felt the air escape my lungs and my pants tighten ever so slightly, and I immediately erased the image from my mind, grunting.

I was lost in thought when I felt a hand grab me by the wrist. I glanced to my right to see a man, no older than 30, standing there, leaning against a wall of one of the buildings.

-"Sorry, can I help you sir?"

He raised his glare towards me. His face wore an ugly grimace, the type that indicated that this man was not to be trusted. He didn't say a word, so I tried pulling myself out of his grasp, unsuccessfully.

-"I'm sorry, but I'm in quite the hurry, so if you could kindly let go.."

His grimace turned into a somewhat warmer smile, yet it had a certain danger to it.

-"Why, I bet you have a few minutes to spare, huh? I cutie like you wouldn't turn down a few ounces of attention would he now?"

His voice sounded hoarse, like he'd smoked 2 packs of cigarettes in the past 5 minutes. His breath also smelled like smoke, with a hint of sweetness embedded in it. Some kind of "special cigarettes", I guessed. My train of thought was interrupted when the man tugged me towards him, locking his right arm around my waist. Up close, I could smell the smoke on his entire body, making me sick to my gut. I felt my irritation grow, and pushed away on his chest.

-"Sir, if you do not let go this instant, I will call the authorities."

My voice came out weaker than I intended. This made the man chuckle, as he reached into my bag I had loosely draped over my shoulder. He pulled out my phone after a few seconds of rummaging, holding it at an arms length from me. And as I was locked in place by his other hand, I could not reach it.

-"Might prove itself to be difficult without this~"

He then dropped it into the snowbank at our feet. I watched as it sunk down further, giving the man an angry glare.

-"Just you wait, I have an excellent facial memory. Sooner than later the police will be knocking at your door!"

I struggled more as the man gave a soft cackle. He then grabbed me with his other hand, stopping any further struggle.

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