Chapter 28: Friends on the enemy's side

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Pairing: Nowaki x Hiroki
Nowaki's pov. :

I sat quietly on the couch. I lean myself against the armrest as I survey my surrounding. Laughing and chattering teachers from basically all the departments from the university. Some of the had sat down to try and talk to me, but none of the conversations lasted very long.

I scouted out the only reason I was here. Hiro-san. I only came here to keep an eye on him. I've noticed his colleague, Yoh Miyagi, getting closer to him by the day. He'd rubbed against him and hugged him more than usual. I did not like that. Not one bit.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw movement. Probably just another teacher. I turn around and greet them with a warm smile.

But instead of a teacher, I come face to face with a kid, possibly a student at the university. His hair is hassle colored and his eyes are a deep shade of grey.

-"You're Hiroki's lover, right?"

He asks this so bluntly and without care that it gets me startled. I was not prepared for a question like that.

-"W-why yes. Are you a friend of his?"

He stares into my eyes with his cold grey ones. It takes me a while to recognize the boy. He's the one who's always hanging around Miyagi. Shinobu or something in that fashion.

-"I don't like how he's so close to Miyagi."

I take a look to the side. Very well, I find Miyagi hanging loosely onto Hiro-san's shoulders, an empty glass in his hand. I turn my head to face the boy's icy stare again.

-"I'm sorry, but I do think Miyagi's had a little too much to drink. So I do believe it's not Hiroki's fault-"

My sentence is interrupted by Shinobu's hand groping my cheeks.

-"I do not like how he's so close to Miyagi."

Gosh this boy can be persistent.

-"Well I don't like how Miyagi is hanging off of Hiro-san"

Shinobu sits quietly for a second, staring at me, a judging glare burrowing into me.

-"Hm. Me neither"

He then stretched his hand out towards me. I take it after a seconds hesitation and shake.

-"Shinobu Takatsuki."

I nod my head a little.

-"Nowaki Kusama"
After our little meeting at the party, me and Shinobu start running into each other, sometimes intentionally, other times not. We've exchanged phone numbers and meet up frequently. Hell, if Hiro-san's going to spend time with Yoh, I might as well have some friends on the enemy's side. And it's been working quite well. We've managed to keep the two separate (or we've managed to keep Miyagi away from Hiro-san) for quite a long time. I haven't really seen any visual change in Hiro-san, but Shinobu told me Miyagi's been spending more time with him, so this can be counted as a win for both of us.

Me and Shinobu's become quite good friends. I can't tell if it's lasting or if it will die out after we've completed our mission, which is to make Yoh forget about Hiro-san. But I have a feeling that that mission will take a while to complete.
Thank you for reading!

And thank you ShiranaiAtsune for all the wonderful suggestions! I am sorry this chapter took so long to finish, but I truly hope it was worth the wait ^^'

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