Ch. 7

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It's been a week. A week since the world came crashing down on my once perfect world. I remembered everything. I wasn't in control, all I could do was sit back and watch as my father died by the hands of his own son. After that Kate disappeared, leaving us all alone in the loft. Me passed out and everyone appalled by the events that just took place.

People have always heard what they wanted to hear, seen what they wanted to see, and believed what they wanted to believe. And I guess I fell into that trap as well. I wanted to believe that none of this was my fault, that I had no control over what I did. And no matter how much Derek promised me I was wrong, that it wasn't my fault it would never change the fact that I killed him. He was dead and the blood would forever be on my hands. I was never going to get away from this feeling but I knew I could never put anyone I loved in danger again. This was all going through my head as I rush in chaos around my room packing my bags; I was leaving. I ran to the bathroom emptying the contents of my stomach into the toilet. This was the third time I puked, I assumed it was from the fact that I was leaving everything I had ever known behind. Pops had taken a quick job with Uncle Sam, maybe to get away from me, to get his mind off things. And Derek finally felt confident enough to leave me alone and go home. He said he'd take a shower and get some rest but I knew my boyfriend well enough to know he was lying. Since that day in the loft if he wasn't with me he was out looking for Kate. But that would no longer be a problem; if I left  so would she and this ensured the safety of the family I had left. That was my final thought as I threw the last duffle bag into the trunk of my jeep. This was the only and best option... right?



I woke up to darkness. I had no clue how long I had been there. I didn't know where I was, where my family was or if I was alive or dead. Honestly things were so surreal in the moment that I was sure it was the latter. After a few more attempts at stretching or moving in general I quickly found I was in a box. My powers had been so inactive for however long I was gone. I wasn't sure they worked. I tried anyways, and the first four times failed terribly. I tried for a fifth and this time I succeed in blowing up the box, and dirt. Leading me to see that I was buried underground. What the hell? Was the only thing that came to mind. I look around and it's evident that I'm in a graveyard, they must have thought I was dead. This thought made me remember the last thing that happened  before I ended up here. I straighten myself out to the best of my ability, and hurried from the hole in the ground I was standing in.

I ran all the way to our old home in hopes of my family still being there. I let out a hard breath, I didn't know I was holding when I see the impala parked in the driveway. This was a lot to suddenly have to take in, I knew that, but I needed to see Dean, to see Stiles. I needed them both to know I was okay. I knocked gently on the door three times waiting for an answer.

"Cas" he whispered.


It had been two years. Two years since Cas, since my son. Two years since I last felt anything. Unfortunately liquor had become the only important factor in my life. I gave up, on life. I was up pouring another cup of whiskey, or what ever booze I left on the counter when there was a knock at the door. I groaned loud in annoyance, but sat down the bottle and sluggishly trudged for the door.

I swung open the door, and froze. After he died I had seen Cas everywhere, mainly in town at places where we use to go together. But this was different, this didn't seem like such a dream "Cas" I whispered tears welling up in my eyes "No, n-no there's no way you're not real"

"I am"

"I watched you die" he took ahold of my hand bringing it up to his face. It caressed his warm cheeks running over his slight stubble. Talking control I rubbed small circles on his chin, slowly moving my hand to swipe a thumb across his bottom lip. His eye fluttered shut in approval, like he had been missing the feeling.

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