Chapter 8: Not Our Little Secret Anymore

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omg yall im so sorry i forgot about this book lmaoo
honestly i feel wattpad is dying a little bc not many people update much now

Wednesday, November 2, 2016 - 10:53am

Thomas and I have decided to not tell anyone about us. He knows the Sofia knows, and he's okay with that. We kinda assumed that people would find out on their own as time goes on, but if they don't we'll just wait to tell them.
Honestly, he was opposed to not telling people. His argument was, "But I want people to know that you're mine now!"

I laughed at that. I understood where he was coming from, but I believe that a relationship is so much more special when it's just the two of us, especially when you're well known. He understood and agreed, but I could tell he still wanted people to know.


Today was the last day for shooting the movie in Auradon. Apparently, we were supposed to start filming all the scenes in The Isle of the Lost today but we had to redo the Cotillion scene because there was a mistake in the old one.

"Ben, I never told you I loved you because I thought that I wasn't good enough. And I thought it was only a matter of time before you realized that yourself. But Ben, that's me." I gestured towards the artwork that he'd made for me. "I'm part Isle and part Auradon."

"Ben, eyes over here." Uma interrupted.

I disregarded her. "And Ben, you always knew how we were and who we could be.

Uma interrupted again. "Don't listen to her."

"Ben, I know what love feels like now. Ben, of course I love you; Ben, I've always loved you." I leaned in and kissed him, effectively breaking the spell; a true loves kiss if you will.

"And cut!"

I took a step back from Mitch and gave him a high five. "We nailed that." I briefly saw Thomas look at Ben and I before walking away. "Excuse me for a second."
I walked off the boat as quickly yet as carefully as I could, trying to get to Thomas as quick as possible. I noticed Sofia looking in my direction, but I disregarded her for this moment, everything besides Thomas really.

I found him sitting right by the entrance to set. "Hey, what's wrong?"

He sighed. "I'm sorry. I can't do this. I love you Dove, but I don't want to have to hide you from everyone. Seeing you kiss Mitch, I don't know, sparked jealously inside of me. Knowing that so easily someone could take you out from under me, I don't know. It's saddening. You deserve so much better, you deserve someone else."

I froze. "Wait, you love me?"

He stood up. " I have, ever since that little coffee date."

I smiled, and pecked his lips before grabbing his hands. "I love you too Tommy, and you shouldn't worry about anything else. I deserve the best, and you are the best."

He smiled, but I could tell it was partially forced. "I just want people to know you're mine."

"We can tell the cast and crew. I meant that we don't tell the public. We can do that during a press when we're ready, if we even want to.. If you really want, we can tell them during lunch."

"Are you sure?"

"100%. They're like my family, they deserve to know."

Wednesday, November 2, 2016 - 12:13pm

"Hey guys, I have something to say." 

Well, okay then. He can do it now.

I looked up to him as he looked down to me and he gave me a questioning look as I shrugged and nodded.

"I just wanted to tell you...Dove and I are together." Cheers and yells of "Finally!" erupted around the room, making me smile. I was really happy at this moment.

Cameron and BooBoo ran up to us immediately after. "I told you guys that you were perfect for each other. Congrats."

Sofia then walked up to me. "So I see you decided to spill." At my nod she continued. "All I want is for you to be happy, love you." She gave me a hug and walked back to the other side of the table.

We just kept getting congratulation after congratulation during lunch. Normally I'd be a bit bothered, but I didn't mind today. Because I was happy, finally having the guy i want without having to worry.


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