➻1: Past Meets Present

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"Do I really have to go down?" I asked exasperated at my dad as he held the car's door open for me.

I am currently clad in a fit black dress, the tailor did some things I did not even notice when the dress came now I have no choice but to hold back the wind that will flow freely from the open backside. I knew what was the occasion but I really was not in the mood to be seen by the pack. I wasn't really an extrovert of a wolf to these kinds of things but I have no choice but to force my feet to step out of the car to stop my father from blasting his loud voice in front of hundreds of people. That is worse. I love my pack but that is just seeing them not interacting with them. I love seeing the pups play and others train from my veranda over the rising and setting sun.

Immediately my nose swift the smell of numerous wolves we walked for a while before I can hear them talking in hush voice, along with this I can smell the mated and unmarked wolves.

My father and I sat silently at the far corner of the room filled with the same black atmosphere of the pack. Soon everyone settled in their own seats and now the view of white flowers and other white sheets are on full display but that's not where I was looking intently, the coffin of the former Alpha Yoon Sukjae.

It has been a while since I last saw the pack together, I think that was when the Alpha's son Yoon Sungjae celebrated his reign to the throne in which I remember I was about fourteen years of age. Now everyone is wearing their own black clothes and held their respects as we pay our greatest honor to his father.

We had found the time to officially hold his funeral but I believe the alpha lost his last breath three days ago but because of the circumstances that we are currently experiencing in the pack we couldn't squeeze in the event for safety precautions.

I was stopped with my train of thoughts when the aura and the air of the small room tensed. Everyone straightened and looked at the right corner of the room and their eyes widened before they immediately bowed down.

The new alpha.

I was trying to take a good look at him for this was my first time seeing him in person after long years. No wonder the aura I felt awhile ago felt really strong and field with confidence. I was able to catch his dark brunette hair before my father pulled me down to bow down.

Everyone eases and sits on their seat as the new alpha went over the coffin of his father. We all rise up and meet his eyes with full of worry and sadness.

Yoon Sungjae was just a few years older than me to be completely honest we were friends before but ever since he started training for his reign and left to study abroad, the last contact with each other was his thirteenth birthday the same day I last saw the pack together.

His eyes meet mine and I almost froze in my spot at the sudden contact. Chills rise up my spine and I shudder involuntarily as he looks over me, before a smile plays on his lips I almost sighed in relief with that small interaction. I controlled myself again before smiling back.

After the small prayer vigil everyone was saying their goodbyes and eventually goes back to their homes with a heavy heart, soldiers escort them back to their homes for safety precautions.

I'm outside right now with my arms across myself trying to stop the blowing of the wind that slowly caress my skin and twirl my hair. Father is still inside with the council since he is the Beta of the pack. A mother and daughter pass by me as they smiled and bowed for a bit. I smiled back and did the same. They would always do that due to me being the second in command's daughter.

I looked up the dark blue sky and sigh in content. I love seeing those stars above the sky and the bright moon. It's a full moon today and I feel the power and pull of it as my wolf howled in content. I smiled at the feeling of comfort and peace we both are feeling.

I was brought out of my trance when I felt a warm hand place on my back and the same feeling I felt awhile came back.

The new alpha.

I immediately turn back and bowed. Hearing a chuckle right after. I look up curiously and saw Sungjae laughing at me a dimple showing in his right cheek. I didn't miss the way his eyes roamed my body as I to his.

"You don't have to do that in front me me Mimi." I frown at the nickname he gave me when we were kids. I hated it to be honest but I also couldn't say no to someone like him.

I admit I had feelings for him when I was young. He was handsome and the child of the alpha that earned his respect, he was also smart and was always kind to me. His frail eight year old body before was now filled with muscles and he was at least a few inches taller than me but that infatuation all ended long before I reached eighteen where the scorching pain and memory I wished I had forgotten but could not.

The day I met the person destined for me. Destined to love me as I to them. The person the moon goddess herself made for me, to complete me.

Was also the same person who broke me and rejected me.


Yehey!!! I know a lot of you was waiting for me to finally start this book and I said I was going to after I finish my other on going but I decided to stop those first and put my attention here before I go writers block. Anyways I did change the plot and I hope you guys still like it!

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