➻13: Hand of Another

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More screams filled the area that was once filled with festive songs and the most vibrant faces the land of wolves had felt since winter came. My thoughts snapped back as the hand that held mine firmly squeezed them a little.

"Take Mia, to the packhouse along with everyone. Gather the soldiers outside." Taehyung authoritatively ordered Jimin and Yoongi.

"No! Taehyung I can fight." I immediately denied whatever he had planned for me, yet again men would always feel like every woman is a damsel in distress. Jimin looked at me worriedly.

"No, it's safer for you inside the packhouse, along with everyone," Taehyung said firmly, I saw wolves jog towards what seems to be the formation of the frontline. His wolf emitting his alpha pheromones affecting the people around him. The air tensed greatly because of this. My eyes narrowed at his action.

Yoongi sighed loudly, while Jimin looked away nervously. With the things happening to the pack, and Mia wanting to fight, along with his overprotective mate, this sure would make his mood ten times worse.

"Taehyung, I will fight. If you can't allow that, then there will be a war here before you reach the frontline." I said with conviction. I felt the two betas freeze in their spot. His stupid alpha aura or whatever you call it won't affect me, well, he can try at least. I shook my head not wanting to prolong this any longer as the frontline finished their positions.

"Mia! get back here--" I heard call along as my feet trudged near the supply carts they had pulled into the potential battlefield in the area. Though we are wolves some would still engage in using weapons before transforming, especially if they were creatures so venomous that even using our wolf forms would higher the risk of being infected.

"Alpha! They have breached Front Line A, the first group has engaged in battle." Taehyung heaved a loud sigh as his eyes left from his mate that was looking over the carts of supplies to the soldier that held intel of the current situation. He knew Mia wouldn't listen but he had tried anyway.

"Back up with another team, we need to make sure we have fewer casualties this time." Taehyung's voice boomed with great authority. Everyone immediately responding to his voice, wolves in submission.

"Yes, Alpha!" The soldier saluted before running to the frontline of soldiers. There were about 300 wolves in battle from both women and men. Another 300 guarding the packhouse. Taehyung brushed his hair back frustrated at how fast things turned a u-turn. His eyes immediately went to look for Mia, heart already hammering inside his chest. He relaxes once he finds his mate still near the carts now changed into pants. Taehyung felt his inside coil at the sight, she really is gonna fight.

His feet trudged to his mate as she proceeded to tie her hair back to a ponytail. The alpha held her arm gently, turning her around. Her eyes met his briefly before another hand grabbed a pair of boots. This made the alpha more frustrated.

"Mia. Please just go to the packhouse. This is too dangerous, even for you." Though he felt angry at how stubborn his mate felt he had said the words too gentle for someone who was mad.

"Alpha. There is no room for you to argue now, I am ready to fight." I stared into his eyes seeing his building anger at me, I felt it in our bond. I will fight no matter what he tries to say, now crowned his mate and Luna I should do what I have to do and protect the pack, I now rule over. If his overprotective ass can't accept that then, he just has to live with it.

"Why are you so stubborn! This is unsafe, my attention will be divided, and I can't protect you!" Now Taehyung held both arms keeping all her attention to him.

My teeth grit in building anger too. "Who said I need protection anyway?!" I removed the hands that held me as Taehyung froze in his spot. No one has ever talked to him that way before, nor had anyone had the guts to even shout at his face. He hid a smirk from his face at how hot his mate looked angry right now but his rationality and the ongoing battle not too far held him in place.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2021 ⏰

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